Meet my soulmates: Faith and Gratitude

On my left hand… Faith.
On my right hand… Gratitude.

And so, I march forward.

These two are my indispensable soulmates. I always land back into their lap, even though there are times I completely and utterly forget about them. In blind pursuit of other things or just when I’m leaning into more flow and joy…

But when it truly comes down to it, when it feels like there’s Nothing Left – I look to my left for Faith. And when I think I know Nothing anymore, I rekindle with Gratitude. They are my strongest allies, my most solid companions. In times of need, they never fail me. They are the base on which I land, the safety-net when I fall deep, the trampoline underneath my feet… Catching me and soon enough bouncing me right up again, back into the sky, so high.

I hold their hands and I know all is well. Because blind Faith reminds me that there will always be another stepping stone, whether I can see it or not. And Gratitude acknowledges that All is already here.

They ask me: “what do you need to step into your power again? What has not worked for you so far and held you back from moving forward?”

I’m not sure what the answer is, so I throw in the question to the Master of this Great Boardgame:

“Yes – dear Universe… – what is bound to appear into my life that I cannot see yet? I am open, I am here, and I wish to see.”

I know one thing. All that matters, is that I step again into the bountiful source of trust and connection that is within. And I remember that to do so – there is nothing that I need outside of me. It is here. Now.
I am reminded that I am and I have all that I need. I choose to feel good. I choose joy. I choose trust. Even if sometimes it’s a matter of time, patience and acceptance before I can see the way forward again.

So… onto a new page.
A blank canvas.
I do not know what it will look like, but I am eager to write and to paint it.
I am ready to see what You want to show me.
I’m coming for the ride, in co-creation with You, in flow.
And I want to surf a really good, long wave….