2020’s consciousness shift

Who else of the sensitive souls out there has been facing darkness for a while and feels like 2020 is bringing an intense change?
A stream of accelerated consciousness. A breath of fresh air. New insights. Inner growth.
Grab that wave, take the river downstream and, I tell you, do not stop following the current.
Do you know that sudden realization as if everything has already been planned out for you? As if the ride and all the wonderful stops have already been set up for you. Just waiting for you to step out, take the courage and claim your place in life.
It’s a matter of finding your own power back and shifting your intentions. Do you want to feel good? Do you want to grab life with both hands and live it fully? It’s a decision, moment to moment, day after day. And if you want it, nothing can stop you.

“Rise up, rise up. This our time to shine. Your soul was destined to be on this Earth at this time for these waves of ascension. You knew it was coming and you are ready for this. Keep lifting yourself higher, keep accepting and owning yourself, for that is key… Life in all its definitions brings amazing things to this world and to the next, so get living.” – From ForeverConscious