A conversation on time, trust, faith and flow

I started to love the unknown. I come a far way to get to say this. But I do. Because that’s where all new, possible, exciting opportunities come from.
Over the week I’ve had some realizations + inner turmoil about intention, taking action and making plans. I wanted to stay present and be aware of my current state of being – ‘listening to my inner source’ – while simultanously line up with my future plans and actions.
It is not supposed to be complex, yet I struggled a bit (to say the least). How on earth can I make this easier on myself?

By being easier on myself. And surrender it all. So here are some ponderings that came out of this inner exploration. I dearly hope it is of value to you and if you wish to join the conversation, please do not hesitate to reach out.

No matter what you do today, choose love. Choose joy. Choose gratitude. Trust. Connection. Listen to your heart’s desire and focus on positivity. Being a human being in a multi-dimensional experience, energetically sensitive, soul-wired, moving about one’s day, feeling and making aligned decisions – with purehearted intentions (from love, not fear) is… a life-long journey. Let it be a joyful one!

Step by step, you grow. Knowing better what does and what doesn’t work for you. Coming into union: mind, body, heart and soul. Releasing and unlearning old habits, diving into unknown territory, opening yourself to the source within, in each moment.
Know it is all in process. Be gentle with yourself and release the need for perfection. Instead allow yourself space and time to experiment. We are all learning all the time. Congratulate yourself for your wins!

As the day went by, I drew three cards from my most amazing, magical oracle deck (The Sacred Creators’ Oracle Deck by Chris-Anne). They said:

“Move beyond intention to belief”
“Ambush fear with your ferocious dream”
“Nourish the sacred feminine”

Point taken. These cards intuitively reminded me to surrender my thoughts about the future and trust in the sacredness of this moment. This moment…

What is it that you’d like to do now? Feel now and experience now? It is only from the now that magic appears. The magic that your heart and soul thrive on. In the now new possibilities appear. New ideas. Inspiring opportunities.
You are moving into understanding more of how things manifest, how all thought, word, action takes shape in a physical form or experience. There is ever more to learn. Yes, your intention matters and it sets your point of departure. How you make choices. How you line up with them, in your vision, in your feeling, in your knowing.

However, and nonetheless and more importantly: let all this learning come at your own pace. Give yourself the time to learn. Hearing and understanding truths and wisdom is where it starts. Implementation comes in time.
Your reality is ever-changing at an increasing speed, and let this be an invitation to that first and foremost. Your options and choices and intentions will change, the more you open up to the world that is meant for your highest good and the greatest good of All. Making choices, setting intentions will receive a whole new dimension and ease and flow the more you come into the “reality” that aligns with your highest self.

Remember, “when you make plans, God laughs at them”? Of course, he’s not actually laughing at them. He just has better ones in store for you, with a whole lot of Love. So dear one, “let go and let God”. Trust is the name of the game. Allow yourself to learn. Yet most of all, each time, come back to the present moment. Here and now lies the secret to your abundant joy, love and happiness.
Here and now is where all happens. It is where all future now is created. Where dreams are born. It is the only point where you find your truth. Your love. My love. Ours in one.

In the flow of your Heart, that is where time abides and all comes together in this moment. All falls into place. Trust the eternal order of things and trust your intuition.

Sidenote: I do not know what abide means, but google says the following:

What is the biblical meaning of abide? 1 : to remain stable or fixed in a state a love that abided with him all his days. 2 : to continue in a place : sojourn will abide in the house of the Lord.
Full meaning: 1: to remain; continue; stay: Abide with me. 2: to have one’s abode; dwell; reside: to abide in a small Scottish village. 3: to continue in a particular condition, attitude, relationship, etc.; last.

I’ll abide with that. Back to topic.

So much is being created from all your different desires and dreams. They all reside within you in this one point in time. There is grandness in learning intentional and focused action and manifestation, yet surrender yourself to it. There is no need for control. Hasn’t the universe always provided and led you?
Have faith dear One. If one thing, manifest trust. Manifest love. Give in your full trust to the Universe and to the now. The future now will unfold itself simultaneously according to your current state of being and direction that you choose to take. It is here that past and future can coexist. (Not sure what that means, but it sounds great)

Do not worry how. With your trust and evermore surrendering you will see how time is your friend, collaborating with you, and how you can blend in higher understanding of timelines and awareness of all that lives in Now, while simultaneously living the simplicity of the human concept of time.
In the end, all happens in divine timing. There are, amongst this group, some very knowledgeable people on this topic too. Ask them to help you understand. (Will you help me understand?)

No matter what you do, or what you choose today: choose TRUST. Invite LOVE in the presence of all.
This is the internal – and eternal – goal. And as within, so without.

With so much Love.
