A Place where Fairies can exist…

Sometimes I feel like life is a magical experience.

The wind blowing in the trees. The stars shining bright.

I look at life through a lens of magic. As if I’m living my own Disney movie. With my senses so sharp, colors are lively, smells fill my curiosity and sounds pervade my whole being in an experience of totality…
I see animals and I feel love and awe. And want to cuddle them all.

I believe life is fully what we make of it. 100%. It is a mirror of our present state of thoughts, hearts and being.

This belief means that: life is limitless.

Anything is possible.
Sab kuch milega
Hakol efshari (Hebrew)

With a limitless, dreamy, highly sensitive and alternative point of view on this life and world, there is no way I can settle for less then what my heart and soul desire. There is no way I can give into conformity. Even if I’d be stubborn and wanted to, I couldn’t. Physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically, it would be unbearable for me. Trust me, I tried.

Born and raised in a city, these days I feel I cannot stay here. I believe there are much greater, qualitatively better ways of building a life together with others based on higher values and consciousness.

Don’t get me wrong. Cities are great. Full of energy, spices, options and diversity. But to a sensitive soul like me, cities are mostly full of buildings. Too many buildings, blocking my view of natural surroundings. Too much noise, polluting my senses. Too many people, running around unaware of how they affect each other.

Too much of everything.

So here’s what I’ll do next: discover other environments that resonate with what I dream of. Visit places that are wonderful examples of communities of the present and the future.

Auroville in India is one of them. I stayed there from March until June 2019 and was inspired by this international community of 3000 people. (See some of my first posts: “A peek into Auroville” and “On the power of oneness, community and belonging”). Much more to say about Auroville’s ideals, and I merely had a glimpse myself of the founders’ core intentions. But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother still inspire and intrigue me. And I’m pretty sure I’ll go back someday.

Next is Damanhur. A community and ecovillage nestled in the alpine foothills of Italy with its own constitution, art, currency, schools,…

Damanhur seems like a magical place. A place where fairies can exist…