A reflection on Freedom


What does it taste like? How does it smell? How does it make you feel? And after you tasted the expansion of it… Ask yourself:

How could you feel more of it? What is binding you or holding you back?
What if we are the only ones binding ourselves?
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our own mind” (Bob Marley)
What if freedom is much more easy than we could possibly imagine. What if freedom is…

Right here. Right now. Attainable in every moment, in every breath, in our everyday choice making. Choice of thought, choice of action. And all it takes… is to trust ourselves and our own heart and soul. To have faith in our path – even in the unknown.

Perhaps then, freedom lies in the path of your heart and your heart knows everything already. You can walk blind, but your inner knowing will take you there. All that is lined up, all that is in store for you, to walk your journey in joy and connection and expansion.

Inner freedom. Right here and now. You are free. No need to fear. No need for lack. No need for pressure. Only to know that… Freedom is the path of your heart. Freedom is the path of your soul. Freedom is the path of expansion. Of truth. Of authenticity. Of trust. In each and every moment… Each and every moment. That requires letting go. It requires acceptance. It requires A WHOLE LOT OF TRUST, again and again and again.

And dear brave souls, I must say, I am terrified to go that way. Because I do not know what lies ahead. Because it means making choices that require letting go. Because we live in a world where we need to make money to have food on the table. Because I like food. And even though I believe, deep down and very strongly that true abundance lies within, no matter how many numbers we have on our account, those old patterns of ‘holding onto’ and fear still show up sometimes.

Yes, abundance lies within. It is in your heart and in your trust and in yourself. It is in the surrender to each moment to the divine. But to untangle myself from the bindings of my own slavery, sometimes, perhaps, I need to let go of things that are seemingly good, profitable and even teaching me a lot and giving me a sense of safety. Letting go is downright scary. However, if my heart and body say NO to them? Then I do not really have a choice. It seems I can only be and live from my most integer truth. I cannot go against the stream, it is simply physically painful.

Freedom… I am asking myself. What if it is all only within. My anchor, my sense of safety, my sense of abundance. And safety will only happen when… I am here and now, trusting spirit to guide my heart towards joy and expansion… Listening to my body, to what feels good, and letting go of what does not align.

Trusting that
All that is REAL
All that belongs to be part of my life – perhaps, hopefully – for the longer run
All that magnetizes naturally to my being and that is here on this planet to truly help me put my pillars down…
It will come to find me.

Not in a way that requires hardship. Not with pressure. But in a way that shows me clearly felt in the depth of my being: here it is, here comes my ride along the river, I am guided, and I am ready to joyfully step into it. Splash! Splash! With so much fun.

I say to this: “I choose the boat I take, I choose what I do because it makes me happy. Because my heart says so. Because… It helps me to be free.”

I add to that: “I trust there are plenty of boats and canoes and cruiseships to choose from. And I won’t take one that compromises my health or wellbeing.”

So I want to ask you… What is Freedom to you?

A few weeks ago, I defined it like this:

“Freedom is being independant of outer circumstances for the Happiness that I AM.”

I was already feeling a big transition coming. What am I doing, where am I going? These transitions feel scary, they may overwhelm us, they ask us to change! To change within, and to change what has been for us outside.

But isn’t everything I learned so far, so deeply, still exactly the same Truth? Just to be present? Just another layer of fear to peel. Could I just overcome this one fast and easily and integrate this deeply to the core of my being – for once and for all…

Just be. Here and Now. Happiness is here and now, regardless of outer circumstances.

A message that came through me, then, was this: “Breathe. Release. Hold onto Nothing. Let your breath be your anchor.” Hold onto Nothing. Maybe… I’ll get myself a teddy bear and call him Nothing and hold on tight. Here and now, we are all free already. It is already accomplished. I see myself, trying to solve things, trying to get control over the future, trying to… grab onto something… onto Nothing.

And then again, if I open my eyes, and I trust, and I SEE and LISTEN and BREATHE with my soul right where I am… Haven’t I already arrived? In the resting place of myself? Isn’t this my true destination?

My inner voice takes queenship over my grasping mind and says:

“Breathe. Release. Hold onto Nothing. Let your breath be your anchor. Find your inner peaceful place. You can release control and just be. You don’t have to figure it all out. Just let yourself be guided on this river called Life. Your Soul knows where to go and will steer the wheel from Now on.”

Perhaps then freedom is… To be all of me, to accept all of me, to breathe all of me, to be Whole with all that I am, wherever I am, right here, right now, carried by the wind, by the breath that the Divine blew in me.

To feel free, I choose for my heart and the love and light that flows through me. Whatever it is you need and want. Whatever your heart calls for now. I choose to be in alignment with the love that resides within me. To feel free, I trust that: I am and I have all I need. I am complete.

In this moment, we are FREE. Free to fly on the breath of our heart and soul.