
A creative, a music-passionate, a story-teller. An intuitive energy healer and holistic body therapist. Researcher of sustainable communities for a co-creative, connected and healthy way of life. Sociologist and international political scientist by degree and nature. Child of the universe… Quidditch-fan and dog whisperer!

Maybe, above all, simply, a human being and woman who chooses Love as the primary force in life. Again and again.

Love. Trust. Courage and inspiration. Ease and flow. The power of words can change worlds. As you fill your inner world with more love, so does your outer world transform. Once you find the gate to your inner treasure chamber, your outer life turns to gold as well. My words intend to do just that.

To soothe your heart and sink into your soul.

You are here to remember, lovers of existence, that this universe has bigger secrets than our imagination can contain. Day after day, we wake up anew. Day after day, we create our own reality. This world is one of magic, and the gateways are our childlike heart and our dreamy eyes. When we remember, not only through our minds, but through our heart, our senses and our soul, we may just find out that this world is not void of magic, but it is us who forget about it. When we want it enough, we can reach for the stars, ask the fairy for magic dust and gain back our reverence for Life…

Aware of the power of words and the necessity for truthful expression, it is my greatest pleasure to share stories, music,…. with you that are as real as my beating heart. Soothing and Soulful. I aim to co-create a world filled with gentleness and genuinity. And I do so while engaging with vulnerability, as I believe being vulnerable is part of being human. Life IS vulnerable! And not to be taken for granted. Feeling is a gift. Sharing oneself stripped off walls and masks is a blessing.

My messages are here to melt your heart. To sparkle your mind. To bring a smile on your lips! Whatever you may have encountered on your path, I invite you here and now to take the river downstream. Release that which doesn’t serve you.
Find your most true place within, your rough diamond. You know that you are one. Treasure the sacred space inside of you. Be your own unique color – and start living that day by day, in whatever ways you are inspired to do so. The world is just craving to taste more of that.

From here, let’s take it a step further. We are a planet in transition, a people in transformation. We need each and everyone of us to come home to themselves, and shower their unique gifts onto this world. To be and create the change we want to see.

Together, it’s time to spread our wings and fly. This website is meant to contribute to this. For a change within. For a change in this world. To soothe your heart. And sink into your soul.

I’ll be glad to fly with you along the way.
If you feel called to support me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. As it takes more time, energy and money than I can generate to produce this website, I value every cent. It is thanks to your support that I can keep doing what I love most, that is, cheering for you!

Stay in touch with Soothing Soulful on my Facebook page or subscribe to the newsletter!