Access your inner Conscious Intelligence – and change your life

Here’s my favorite place to be: when my heart beats with passion, while my brain is driven with excitement, focus and motivation. Those two together – and magic happens.

Physically, I’ve been in Antwerp, Belgium again, the place where I was born and raised. In the last two weeks, the clouds have appeared, summer has switched into autumn and winter is knocking at the door. In short time the air has changed, and with this it seems everything is changing again.

In the depth of my being, I always felt the city is not “my place”. I have a desire to be in nature, to live in an easy rhythm of life. And most importantly, I want to live more closely related with similar-minded people who want to make a meaningful shared experience of this time here on earth.

We all have stuff in our lives we feel are not right for us or not making us happy. Whether it is our job, the place where we live, or even our partner. What truly makes us happy though, are not the circumstances outside of us. It is who we are and how we feel, think and act accordingly. It is our own inner happiness, and we do not need a single thing for that to be in place. That’s seriously a tough one. But it’s true.

Because once we find the gate to our inner treasure chamber, our outer life turns to gold as well.

What one truly needs is this: a good, consistent build-up of gratitude, positive thinking, a commitment to feeling good and being true to oneself. A resolute faith and ever expanding trust in life, in the way, in change. Yes, it’s easier said than done. But it can be done, and, in the story of one’s own awakening, it is the only way.

So where we are is where we start. From here, let’s dig into the mind-body connection by Dr. Joe Dispenza.

Basically, he says the following: “Your personality creates your personal reality. Your personality is made up of how you think, how you act and how you feel. It means then, if you want to change your life, your personal reality, that means fundamentally you have to change your personality. That means you have to start thinking about what you’ve been thinking about and change it. You have to begin becoming aware of your unconscious patterns and behaviours and modify them. Then you have to look at certain emotions that keep you anchored to the past and decide if those emotions belong in your future.

I really like his clear explanation of this process. He calls this: ‘Getting beyond yourself’.
Now you’re ready to create something else. So what thoughts do you want to fire and wire on your brain? What behaviours do you want to demonstrate? The act of rehearsing the behaviour begins to install the neurological hardware on your brain, and primes it to look like the experience has already happened.”

That means, along this line, that you have a choice. Either you’re “defined by a vision of the future, or by memories of the past“.

Joe expands more:

Once you start thinking about that vision of your future, you’re activitating the creative centers in your brain. And the act of doing that when you’re truly passsionate and truly present, the moment you’re defined by that vision when the thought in your mind becomes the experience, you begin to feel the emotion of the event before it’s made manifest. Now you’re giving your body a sampling, a taste of the future… Now you’re combining a clear intention (coherent brain) with an elevated emotion (coherent heart) and now you’re beginning to change your biology and you’re seeing a whole new landscape that you could never see before because you’re no longer viewing your future through the lens of the past.

Heaven, yes. That is consciousness talk through the scientific eye. What Joe explains in this video is the intellectual approach of what I like to refer to as Abraham Hicks’ channeled wisdom, my favorite. If you’re still with me, I’ll go into Abraham’s teachings, same idea, different language, straight from Source… Basically, Abe teaches:

Get happy first. And then.
Let go of all the conditions you think you need to be fulfilled before you can feel good.
Feel good. And then.

Do you believe you are the creator of your own reality? We are. With every single thought and emotion, with every single belief, we are creating all around us. Our thoughts and feelings are continuously creating the world we live in. Our state of being is defining everything we attract. Everything we want is continuously manifesting. We are magnetic beings, manifestors of our own reality, and when we become conscious of this, we can learn to direct our focus, and choose for clarity, joy, happiness, appreciation. No matter what the circumstances are.

When we start consciously playing around with this, oh, that’s when we are in for a sweet ride.

So, repeat after me.

I am the creator of my own reality. I choose to feel good. Every single day I choose to focus on better-feeling thoughts. I can do this.
I am a powerful creator and everything I truly want and why I came here is written in the seed of my soul. All of it is lined up ready to reveal itself to me.
I choose satisfaction. I choose fun, ease, appreciation, love and joy as my point of attraction. I start here and now to follow the current of ease. I let go of resistance. I deeply trust and allow all the good to come to me. I am one with source and I am whole. I choose the path of least resistance. I trust the path of most allowing.

Here you go. Keep remembering that every day, and see what life brings to you.