All is well

Put on your abundant mindset-hat again, dear one. Switch the story, change your glasses – you forgot you have those special shiny ones, the ones that make you see through all illusion. It’s called the perspective of your Soul.

Yes, fear and worries got the best of you. Overwhelm, desperation and cluelessness may have entered back into your life due to outer circumstances. But you are only being pushed to become the best of you. Does the caterpillar have an easy time when breaking out of the cocoon? No, but oh – the bliss once the butterfly flies out…

Remember… You are no longer where you used to be, you’ve grown tremendously and so has your faith. Your knowing is deeper than ever before.

You know everything you need is provided for you in every instant and you are taken care of.
You know all you truly want is to remember and feel that ray of Love and Light and Trust that you are within. No matter outer circumstances. You know. Leave aside for a minute what has been bothering you – and remember. Feel your wholeness within.

So how to continue now, you wonder?

You have been integrating something new. Yes, it’s true: we are co-creating. We are partners. We can bring you what you need and we can guide you and wink at you – but you are the actor, the change-maker, the voice, the body and the tool – and we recommend you to use it all. For the enjoyment of it, for the creation of your desires. Take the steps, make the changes and ask for help whenever you need or desire. And never forget how far you have come. You are only getting stronger. And we are with you all the way.

How can you enjoy more of the way?

One. You can have that faith that all is well, all is here already, as it was and always will be. It’s in you. In your knowing and in your heart and you know how to be there. Be here.

Two. Simultaneously, you can actively change your reality and enjoy doing so.
You can choose your reality.
You can choose your inner reality, which automatically renews your outer reality.
And you can choose to change your outer reality more purposefully and actively. We suggest both in balanced measure, and in either case, we are with you. Do more of what you want, what you enjoy and watch your circumstances unfold.

However, watch your expectations too, there is no need to feel unsatisfied – as you are and have all that you need, right here, right now. While your actions bring forward new possibilities, remember that timing is not yours to control – but yours to trust.

Find that sweet balance within: where you can be grateful with all that is, and enjoy the discovery into new territory. Savor life, cherish what you have, listen to your nudges and be open to what comes. Life may surprise you.

When the morning star rises in the east before sunrise, some birds wake up and start to chirp. It’s called the dawn chorus. Remember as long as the birds sing, all is well.
And at the end of the day, seek for the sunset – its glow will warm you and remind you once again, dear Heart: all is well.

Remember to wear your Shiny Soul Glasses. All is well.