And if you have a broken heart… love even more

And the dreams you left behind are no more. And the dreams you think you have are not yet here.

So where are you now, dear one?

Left in the wake of all that crumbled. Left in the choices that you wish you had not made. Not knowing how to rise back from the ashes. Not having the strength to do so, again and again.

But you are here. And you are now. And you know, better than ever, more surely than anything, that your bag is filled with faith. That this too shall pass. And that Love does not fail you. Ever. That it picks you up, holds you, grabs you by the tail, each time, again and again, to remind you, in the most surprising of ways, that love and light is here with you and all around – in fact, all the time, whether you see it or not.

And it will. And it is.

You will start over. And you will find it is easier than ever to pick yourself back up again. To find and rebuild trust inside of you. Because you’ll never relinquish. Because you know the Trust and the Love is yours to own.

You know this is why you are here. Even when there is no more energy, there still is sheer willingness to push through. You have not come here for suffering! You have come here to conquer! You have come here to enjoy. To love, deeply. To live, fully. To laugh, frequently. And each small step will bring you exactly there.

So walk forward, beautiful soul.




Marvel in wonder. Look around. See and discover. Be you. The path will be shown. You will remember. Again and again. And each time you’ll need a reminder, yes, Love will remind you.

Can you move forward in the unknown? Can you move on the rhythm of your heart’s song? Can you enjoy the adventure and beautiful discovery that is life?

I’ll tell you: YES. And you can start now.

Have deep trust in creating infinite possibilities each day. Infinite dreams of magic and wonder are right there in front of you. All is asked is to step forward. One at a time.

Perhaps at the start, you will hold and hug yourself for comfort. Maybe in the beginning, you’ll be kissing your own hands out of need to express your own love. But you’ll always know deep within that you ARE love. There is no need to seek for it outside of you. It IS you. And all that reflects that love that you are will come back to you tenfold.

No matter what, love yourself so deeply and dearly that you know and treat yourself as the treasure that you are.

Start believing in yourself. Release the fear of the future. Let go of the struggle of the past.
Instead: embrace life in all that it is today. Be grateful for all that it has given you. Know more is yet to come. Acknowledge the beauty of possibilities in front of you. It’s all just about perspective, isn’t it?

Start now. Be here, today, in all its simplicity, knowing all is well, and walk forward in faith. Release all attachments and preferred outcomes, and know you are watched and guided closely towards the path that is yours. You are exactly where you need to be. Even though you wish to think otherwise sometimes. Even though you may think “you’re not supposed to be here”. I tell you again: you are exactly where you need to be. And here and now, is where you choose again where you want to be and how you want to feel.

Be full with the appreciation of being alive, and if you fall, learn to love more. In every moment, loving more.

Because – you know – you’ll always tumble back into Love. The Love that you Are.
Each time you forget, you will let your broken heart crack wide open… where love will flow through… more than ever before. An expansion of love and trust that will show you the way as if none of the past ever happened and future worries cease to exist. Because that is why you are here. You came here to be Love. To be Trust. To be Light. You will rest in this knowing. You will lay on your faith. One step, one day at a time.