Appreciate, create, surrender and enjoy the path

Do you ever wish for more? JOY. LOVE. HAPPINESS. To be more, to become all that you are?
Clearly, the little mermaid too is struck by a desire for another world and time. Another life.

You want thingamabobs?
I’ve got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more

Ain’t that familiar. But is the grass really greener on the other side?

Chances are that – at least at some point in your life – you are dreaming to create or choose for something new, brighter, better… And I’ll tell you right away: let that natural desire be the flame that moves you HIGHER and HIGHER!
We are here to continuously expand. To create new desires into fruition. So I’ll share with you five reflections that hopefully will inspire you while navigating your way to more joy, love and happiness.


Be. Here. Now. The obvious, yet… not always that obvious. It is the art to appreciate what is here and now. To see the present for the immense gift that it is. To be Full. Because when you connect with this state of being: that you are and that you have all you need – right here, right now – that is true abundance. You’ll feel complete no matter what. And simultanously, that is the Place where more Presents start streaming in. You, being a source of infinite abundance, a channel of love, simply by acknowledging the miracle of the present.
It is our perspective of things that creates our world, and that perspective can change in a glimpse of a… thought. And another one. So that, no matter our circumstances, we can learn to love the sunrise and its setting. It is there you’ll find all the gold in between. It is here you’ll find your diamond within.


Simultanously, and non-contradictory: do not settle for less. Nor try to fit in a box.

Finding acceptance and love for who and where we are right now is an essential spiritual skill. It helps us to discover one’s true self and find inner peace with whatever life brings to you.
Yet we human beings are not machines. We shine in our differences and our preferences and our unique dreams. We are here exactly to live our uniqueness and express it in this world.

So if the bay is too small, set your ship to sail. If your tiny toe tells you to go, expand your horizons. If your soul is being called, follow that flow.

Only you know.

If you are stuck in situations, environments, relationships that are either moderately but consistently swallowing your energy or even downright harmful, you can choose differently. It is all in your hands, you have the key to unlock the door. Free and trust yourself. It is your birthright to be, do and have the life you wish to lead.


Sometimes, we are so used to our comfort zones that we don’t even know where to begin. We don’t know what we dream of, what is next, we don’t know what is potentially ahead of us. It feels like staring in the unknown, at the edge of a cliff.

What is next…? What’s next is what is now. Our future is birthed from this present moment. We cannot see further ahead, but we can be or do something now. It is the only moment that is sure and it will lead the way. So what do you wish for now? Perhaps, it is okay not to know what’s ahead. Perhaps, now is a good time to relax and to enjoy.

Four. Is my favorite one.

Sometimes, we’re trying to control something and it’s not happening the way we wish. Or we’re holding onto something that is not (yet) coming true. Wanting to heal, to have a child, to be in a relationship,… you name it. If it’s not manifested according to your plan, perhaps…
It’s time to surrender. No matter which steps we take in the direction of our desires, sometimes, our plan, according to “our timeline” is just not up to “us”. Then, we are asked to step back and practice our trust for source to lead the way. To ask, to release any outcome, and to trust. “To let go and let God”. All we need to do is listen. All that truly belongs on our path will land at our doorstep.

Why? Because “the Universe has your back”.

And if you need a beautiful reminder, then I wish that these inspiring words by Gabrielle Bernstein will land right in the core of your heart and uplift your spirit, as they did for me.

As for number five
Slide down the river of life in grace and enjoyment. And when you fall, get back up, and remember number one.
Thank you. Thank you for life. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you.