Dream a little dream

Harbor in each day to day the treasure of hope. The delight of knowing that you can and you have everything you need to create the life you wish to lead. That you create your reality in each moment and in a blink of an eye everything can take a new direction of your own choosing. All it takes is one small moment, this moment now, to remember the magic that is in you. The love that you are. The knowing that from this point in time, anything is possible. Anything. What makes your heart warm up? What lights up …

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Welcoming in a new dawn

Wake up to a new dawn Wake up to a new day Have you seen the beauty out there,Have you stepped outside to play? The magic’s in you and only from within will you see its outer beauty too. You may well wonder what is next Perhaps unsure, worried or perplexed? Tomorrow’s page is not yet written But the pencil’s in your hands To script your ‘seemingly’ distant lands Not so far, just right here, Start writing that first line for real! With the time that you’ve been given As you mend, combine and mingle future, past, all times into …

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Tending your garden: setting your boundaries

Boundaries come in so many shapes and forms. They are not related to anyone or anything outside of you. They only concern you. Boundaries are those things you choose for yourself in order to create or maintain a healthy and balanced life. They are the rock underneath your feet that allow your wings to fly. They are the garden that you tend to, each and every day. It’s in the choices that you make, the people and activities you choose to engage in. It’s in knowing a true yes, out of love, not out of fear. It is knowing when …

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A conversation on time, trust, faith and flow

I started to love the unknown. I come a far way to get to say this. But I do. Because that’s where all new, possible, exciting opportunities come from. Over the week I’ve had some realizations + inner turmoil about intention, taking action and making plans. I wanted to stay present and be aware of my current state of being – ‘listening to my inner source’ – while simultanously line up with my future plans and actions. It is not supposed to be complex, yet I struggled a bit (to say the least). How on earth can I make this …

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“Brothers and sisters, let our love shine a Light”

A story about Love, about soul mission, vulnerability and the rising questions within. A genuine desire for our heart and souls to meet to expand the love and light in this world towards greater unity. They’re asking me to step into my mission. I told them I’m scared. They said: “We know. We’re right there with you.” And I replied: “What do I bring to this world when I’m not feeling whole and aligned? Am I not supposed to share only high vibration wisdom that will enhance people’s lives?” You are, you can, you may, and you will. And simultaneously, …

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Today the world just got a little brighter

Today the world just got a little brighter, because you woke up to it. Today is the first day of your life, because you choose to call it so. Because you have the power to start over again, not only today, but in each moment, any time, any day, every day. But today is especially special, as you create the now, and the next moment that your heart has long been whispering for. What does it whisper to you now? Dear Heart, Bring in your color Bring in your brightness Bring in your love. The world longs to be showered …

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Om so hum – I am That

“Ooowwwhm… We see your heart bleeding, Bearing this moment – The unbearable ‘blindness’ of being” ‘If only the feeling, Soon changed into seeing Freeing from fright, Back into sight?’ “Ok – Hold on tightCause through the Unknown, the torn and the cold, How much potential, How many stories untold? When you find yourself here, Naked, in the void Remember, my Dear, Remember sweet Soul, What once was your backbone Your Faith and your Home When you sat on your throne Waiting for Guidance To call on your phone Whispering in silence You’re NEVER alone. And never will be! We’re always …

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Un oui à la vie!

J’ai attendu J’ai attendu que l’univers m’offre ce dont j’ai besoin J’ai tout reçu En vidant profondément l’océan de mon chagrin. Mais je n’ai pas vécu. Je n’ai pas encore vécu Aveugle, toute nue, Je cherche mon chemin Non, non, Ce n’est pas loin C’est ici, maintenant Mais désormais Fini l‘attente ou l’Ignorance On marche ensemble toi + moi main dans la main Je prends mes pas avec l’Univers au sein Dirigeant du plan je te fais confiance Mais c’est moi qui gèreles pédales, le frein, et puis surtout le volant. Enfin. J’espère. Les lois de l’au-delà, je ne les connais …

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All is well

Put on your abundant mindset-hat again, dear one. Switch the story, change your glasses – you forgot you have those special shiny ones, the ones that make you see through all illusion. It’s called the perspective of your Soul. Yes, fear and worries got the best of you. Overwhelm, desperation and cluelessness may have entered back into your life due to outer circumstances. But you are only being pushed to become the best of you. Does the caterpillar have an easy time when breaking out of the cocoon? No, but oh – the bliss once the butterfly flies out… Remember… …

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