Peace on the earthplane

There is a world beyond this oneA world I have not seenPure light and love and angels Flying in betweenHow can this place down hereEver truly fill me Wondering and fleeing How I can make this home When I know and feel so deepThere’s more oh so much moreOne step after anotherI know it’ll come to beWhen peace resides withinHeaven’s all around me

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Choosing love over fear

This is the story of the sweetest girl ever and the monsters under her bed. “You’re here.I feel you in my bonesfrozen by fearI cannot movenor find my voice I do not knowoh what to doI know I willsomehow break through” So I ask her, softly whispering: “Sweet, sweet, sweetest girl ever, what is this you are fearing?” “Everything…”, she says, “I’m shaking…” “I thought it was overnow so much closerwhen will it end?this monster, I’ll need to befriend…” I reach out my hand, and call out her name… “You know you are safe,monsters don’t stay.Fear will fade,it’s all just the same. …

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To parents, teachers and visionaries of education

To parents, teachers and those involved in educational transition. For a better foundation for our children. Traditional schools, Sudbury schools, Antroposofic schools, Nature schools, yes, even Unschooling. I enjoyed deepening my understanding of them in the last few years. All different systems in which children can unfold their potential and BLOOM like a flower. The best system? The one where the HEART can FLOURISH. Where discovery, curiosity and connection is at the core of it all. Where we encourage each child’s unique gifts and interests. The world is an exciting place – where each and everyone can joyfully discover themselves, …

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The story of a caterpillar: break through, dear one, we’ve been waiting for you

If you’ve encountered struggle or pressure… If you’ve been wanting to raise your game, then this one is for you. Could it be that the immense pressure is what pushes the caterpillar to break through, out of the cocoon and into a butterfly?Indeed, the butterfly is supposed to struggle. In fact, the butterfly’s struggle to push its way through the tiny opening of the cocoon pushes the fluid out of its body and into its wings. Without the struggle, the butterfly would never, ever fly… So goes the story of the butterfly. What is your struggle to break through? I’ve …

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River of Light

A prayer called River of Light “Create in me the desire to worship you in Truth and my truth won’t clash with the truth of others Teach me to be a river of Light to the Hearts of the worldTeach me to serve the Heart of the world” Love and thanks to Char Louche for background vocals and video.Original: Nahar shel Or by Netanel Goldberg

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Today is your day for that next step along the way

“It’s happening!”“It’s happening…” It actually took me quite some time before it happened. Before I jumped. Fear, doubt, more fear. Will I jump far enough to avoid the rocks? What lies underneath the surface of the water? But it happened. Eventually, I jumped. And all it took was a split second decision. To break through. When it comes to life and making our dreams a reality, indecisiveness and fear are such bad counsellors. Eating away our precious time, holding us back from what we truly desire the most, yet they are necessary for growth. Sometimes, when we want to go …

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Love will save the day

“All I know, all I know, love will save the day.” – Des’ree Nothing truly ever gets lost. At least not the things that matter. People may grow apart. And sometimes may come back to find eachother in a different time and place. True love remains in the Heart of those who want it. It’s a beautiful dance, a swing, together, apart, together again. Crossroads of connection, walking hand in hand, then sometimes travelling separately onto a new adventure. Even in a dance between lovers you may find this rhythm. Like the pulse of a heartbeat, closing and opening each …

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Time is a gift, maybe the most precious one – Part 1

Here’s a story of a young woman and her sometimes challenging but loving relationship with time. It’s about her desire to accomplish her deepest yearnings in life. And the seemingly paradoxical nature of time and its limits – making her believe, or as she has been led to believe, there is a need for pressure that asks us to squeeze actions in a rather uncomfortable way – in an otherwise expanded experience of a timeless reality. She’d rather call this last one ‘timefulness’… Like playing outdoors as a child where there is only this moment. The feeling of endlessness when …

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We are all one – and we’re in it together

“We wish to share with you all – that you are not alone, you have never been. We are in it together. And we shall lift each other up, higher and higher. We are indeed, as Ram Das said, and maybe more than ever – ‘walking each other home’.” – Canta com Amor 2020 Here we are, fragile, complicated, yet wonderful human beings, sharing this planet together. At times filled with challenges we think we’d never overcome, but worth every drop of sweat. When we struggle and “think” we lose the way, we can remember the only true way home …

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We are all one – and why being authentic matters – extra

I came upon a fun Tedx Talk by JP Sears, where he advocates ‘saying yes to your weirdness’:“Think about it: If you are being yourself someone might actually find out who you really are. They might actually see you. You might actually find out who you are. People might make fun of you, they might reject you. They might actually accept you too. …The most pervasive disease in our world today is being normal. It infects a lot of people. Being normal is caused by a fear-based mindset of self-rejection. We reject ourselves because that ensures us nobody else is …

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