Believe in yourself and your roar will be heard across valleys

Who’s your greatest inspiration ?


That’s right. You.

She knows what you’re all about. She knows your wildest dreams. She feels your greatest desires. She knows how you feel when the sun smiles and shines at you, while the wind blows through your hair. She holds your magic spark and she is ready to break open.

What if…

Please, bear with me. There’s more to the question.

What if… there are parallel realities with different “you’s” playing around – some of them being the “you” that you wish to be? That you believe you are – but have not fully owned yet?

It doesn’t really matter whether you believe in this or not. But if you take a moment to reflect, ask yourself: what does this thought do to you? These different “you’s”: imagine them. What are they doing? And most importantly: how are they feeling? Are they expansive and strong? Shining their light? Enjoying their time? Are they happy? Living their most awesome lives?

Last night, my friend Terumi Isogai held a session called “Destination: now”. Thanks to her knowledgeable inner cosmic database we explored topics related to our current experience as multidimensional beings. Most of it centered around the experience of the Now. And how our parallel lives can inspire us to feel our way into the Now that we wish to create. Because we create our every moment.

As a dreamer, I like to feel into my different “me’s” and perhaps you’ll find that your “you’s” can inspire you too.

One of mine is a cowboy. She rides horses, wild and free. Or perhaps less of a cowboy, but more natural, connected, raw and real. Something like Pocahontas meets Xena, the warrior princess. Hey, maybe she’s a centaur? I’d love to have four legs, feeling grounded in the lower body of a horse. Ah. That most definitely would help.

Another parallel me is a princess. Delicate, yet precious and respected, treasured with much care. Yes, she likes milky, silky baths like Cleopatra would have taken. Just thinking about this… My body has been in pain for so long, and the idea is such a softening, abundant experience.

There’s plenty of them. I actually have not really let my cosmic mind wander around it. It’s still new to me. But as I write about it, I can tell you: they all have one thing in common.

They stand in their strength. They know what they want. They go for what they want. They own their value. They feel empowered. Joyous. Full of life. Full of love. They fly free.

And they encourage me to be her too. Now.

So how about you? What do your parallel “you’s” tell you about you?

It’s not so much about the title or the function that they do, but the imagery can help to connect to parts of you that make you FEEL how you want to feel. That help you to BE who you ARE – not later, but now.

Let none of your past hold you back from being who you are right now. All that matters is now. And there are infinite possibilities for you to feel your way into that. One of them are your “YOU’s”: the pieces of you that remind you of who you are.

Perhaps this me, right here, right now, writing to you… She’s a mystic healer. A story-teller. She wants to play, dance and sing through life. She’s secretly a sweet child with powerful goddess energy.

Very carefully she expresses all these words. Because no one ever gave her the permission to be any of it. Because her body has been recovering from war, death and abuse. Because she was never seen and never saw herself. Because even in the moments that she was still able to shine her light as a child, she was put down by jealousy or other faces.

Perhaps it’s time to release what she hopes to become. And just be and own it. Like all the other “me’s” have done and know how to be. A warrior princess. A centaur. A lioness. A mystic healer. Just me. ROAR!

Will you own your treasure too? Who do you want to be now? And would you like to share a little about it?
Walking this path together, may we raise one another to our highest truth and potential.

“I am here. May the light be upon me. May I feel in my bones that I am enough, I can make anywhere home. I am here, I’ve already seen the bottom so there’s nothing to fear.” – Pink