Today is your day for that next step along the way

“It’s happening!”
“It’s happening…”

It actually took me quite some time before it happened. Before I jumped. Fear, doubt, more fear. Will I jump far enough to avoid the rocks? What lies underneath the surface of the water?

But it happened. Eventually, I jumped. And all it took was a split second decision. To break through.

When it comes to life and making our dreams a reality, indecisiveness and fear are such bad counsellors. Eating away our precious time, holding us back from what we truly desire the most, yet they are necessary for growth. Sometimes, when we want to go for something, jumping is required, whether we feel ready and comfortable or not. All it takes is just one decision.

What is YOUR CLIFF? What is preventing you from jumping?

If you’re standing at the edge of a cliff, frozen, stuck, or you seemingly have nowhere to turn…
Just remember: you are actually on the verge of your best, most bright and beautiful beginning of something new. And whether your cliff is a small trial or an immeasurable challenge, overcoming it is each time suprisingly powerful.

“The darkest hour of the night comes just before dawn”, as they say. And in the words of Khalil Gibran: “one can only reach dawn by taking the path of night”.

Trust. Today, take that leap. Set an achievable goal and see what small step you can take. Open a door. Make a choice. Who knows what treasures await you?

But, please… Be gentle with yourself. Some days, dipping your toes in the water is more than enough to conquer the world.

N.B. This article has a metaphorical meaning and does not encourage nor recommend anyone in any way to literally jump off cliffs