The story of a caterpillar: break through, dear one, we’ve been waiting for you

If you’ve encountered struggle or pressure… If you’ve been wanting to raise your game, then this one is for you.

Could it be that the immense pressure is what pushes the caterpillar to break through, out of the cocoon and into a butterfly?
Indeed, the butterfly is supposed to struggle. In fact, the butterfly’s struggle to push its way through the tiny opening of the cocoon pushes the fluid out of its body and into its wings. Without the struggle, the butterfly would never, ever fly… So goes the story of the butterfly.

What is your struggle to break through?

I’ve had quite of a struggle to express myself truly. Can I be showing myself, with all my sensitivity and depth to a world that seems so threatening at times? Sharing my voice is a deep part of my purpose. It’s part of living my life to the fullest.

Who am “I” to refuse my soul’s calling…

Frankly, it is illusional to imagine that anyone might keep himself from doing so, out of fear of being rejected or for any other reason. Many times I think how important it is that people feel safe to be themselves. That, others too, find the courage to share their voice. The world is a better place with all of our gifts, hearts and minds.

The world is a better place with all of us OWNING OUR VALUE and taking our rightful place in life. Our place – it’s a given. Granted by birth. Part of the deal when we come down here.

The kabbalists say that each one of our souls is unique, and necessary. Nobody will ever be able to do what I can do. The only thing I need to be concerned with is that my light is being revealed in this world.” Quoting Michael berg in the Spiritually Hungry Podcast.

Each person is a whole world of their own. The heart calls for it to be revealed gently, yet it is only us who can unchain our self-imposed chains. There is only one judgment that truly counts: and that is our own. The times we are in call for unconditional self-love…

Break through, dear one… We’ve been waiting for you. I have been waiting for you. And for me, too.

When it comes to sharing our voice and our gifts, there is one understanding that is more important than any other. That is what Lee Harris describes as follows:

“You are needed, and now is your time. But for those of you who only think of that sentence in terms of your service to others, we ask you to see the other side of that mirror. That sentence is also saying – you, all of you, every piece of you that needs to be soothed, nurtured, healed, brought back is needed – and now is your time. So (…) listen to that sentence again. And recognize the self-love, self healing and balance inside it.”

You may want to ask yourself: what do you need? What will hold you – while time brings more ease? While your heart finds release?
What could help you break through? What lives inside of you and wants to be revealed?

Your heart knows.

More than anything, it is time to be whole. To feel free to be all of you. To feel held to grow.
Remember… you are Loved, totally and unconditionally.

I’ll leave you with Catherine Reitman’s encouraging words to step up your game or as she calls it: to at least consider to enter the arena.
“Only you know when it’s time.”