“Brothers and sisters, let our love shine a Light”

A story about Love, about soul mission, vulnerability and the rising questions within. A genuine desire for our heart and souls to meet to expand the love and light in this world towards greater unity.

They’re asking me to step into my mission.
I told them I’m scared.
They said: “We know. We’re right there with you.”
And I replied: “What do I bring to this world when I’m not feeling whole and aligned? Am I not supposed to share only high vibration wisdom that will enhance people’s lives?”

You are, you can, you may, and you will. And simultaneously, you’re a human being. Until you’re back here in the Oneness of Light, duality will keep existing. Will you only show half of you? Did you not treasure the belief that vulnerability is key to authentic relating and connection?

True that. And then again, I also believe I create with my thoughts, my words and my actions and I prefer to align them with loving, positive messages. Half human, half creator, how do we combine?

Keep exposing yourself – you’ll figure out what works for you. Your fear to be seen is sometimes opposing your longing for genuine connection. Allow yourself to be seen! Those who resonate, your soul family, will hear and feel you. As someone in this group mentioned: it’s less about what you say, but more about your voice, the energy each one of you bring. Meantime remember your one sole truth you vow to, always, again and again: “Love is truly all there is.”


And so it shall be. So, allow us to take you by the hand, and suggest the following. Shall we start with sharing what you’ve been wanting to say for almost a week? What lies in your heart and soul and that is meant to realize itself in the grand scheme of things? How much you want to bring the light of people together, to gather, connect, and expand together? The feeling of unity is something greater than the sum of all parts, it lights you up in ways more than words can explain. Not only you, but others too. This seed for unity, it’s in you. In all of you. It actually happens naturally in divine timing. It’s all just about enjoying the creation of it in a more intentional way.

Let us take you through this ride with a few questions…

What is your truest truth? Why are you here? Why do you breathe? What Breathes you? What lights you up in the glimpse of an eye, what is the fire that keeps you burning?

If there was no time for polishing, editing, refining, tweeking… If you removed the desire for perfection…
If all comes down to the now, this moment…

When you strip everything down to the core essence of who you are, what brings you to LIFE?

Connection, love, magic, light and unity. Tribe! These ingredients (and probably more) make me whole. Perhaps I’dd add cacao powder to that list too. We are inseparable.

Great. Keep expanding that list. And ask yourself: what if you need not wait any longer for it to happen? What if you can create it right this instant?
Perhaps it can help to narrow it down to the following, a question you may ask yourself on a day to day basis of which the answers can differ. What do you want to see and experience and feel more of today?
As simple as it can get, what makes your heart jump for joy? (wink at the 90’s)

Is it a smile? Music? Is it fun? Laughter? Love? Unity? Connection?

Definitely love. All of it actually. Music would be great too – I’d love to jump for joy – it is however more fun when it’s shared…

Think and speak it and it will come about. Now and in the next now. Ask and it is given. With ripples far across the coastlines of this earth.
Even if you don’t know what the next step is, you know you want to create the next moment with love. One moment, one day at a time. So how about we build some momentum to create more good and love together?

Remember, we’re all in this together. Each one of your lights, all of your colors matter. For there to be unity and harmony, our sounds need to come out and meet and play together.

If God is a DJ, he might play the song below. Everyone on the dancefloor 💗 !