To parents, teachers and visionaries of education

To parents, teachers and those involved in educational transition. For a better foundation for our children. Traditional schools, Sudbury schools, Antroposofic schools, Nature schools, yes, even Unschooling. I enjoyed deepening my understanding of them in the last few years. All different systems in which children can unfold their potential and BLOOM like a flower. The best system? The one where the HEART can FLOURISH. Where discovery, curiosity and connection is at the core of it all. Where we encourage each child’s unique gifts and interests. The world is an exciting place – where each and everyone can joyfully discover themselves, …

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Remedy for worry: “Let go and let God”

Worrying is a very time and energy consuming activity. When we can solve the problem and take action, great. But when we can’t, and we’re just chewing our own brain, there is absolutely no point to it. Reminds me of Baz Luhrman’s words: “Don’t worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.” Right. Then again, some worries can feel so big and persistent, and we just need to sit and wait it out. Time will reveal the answers, it always does. That’s when it’s time …

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From a heart’s dream to creating your reality

Antwerp, Belgium, 5 AM on Wednesday, March 11th 2020 Birds… I can actually hear birds singing! I haven’t been awake this early in such a long time. What a bless. How much peace and quiet there is at 5 am in the morning. More deeply than ever, I understand how much pollution is affecting my life. Living in a city, on so many levels, and in the very core of my being, simply doesn’t make sense. Pollution of sounds, pollution of smells,… dozens of faces and impressions each day. One big, constant sensory overload in a “concrete jungle”. Sometimes people …

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2020’s consciousness shift

Who else of the sensitive souls out there has been facing darkness for a while and feels like 2020 is bringing an intense change?A stream of accelerated consciousness. A breath of fresh air. New insights. Inner growth.Grab that wave, take the river downstream and, I tell you, do not stop following the current.Do you know that sudden realization as if everything has already been planned out for you? As if the ride and all the wonderful stops have already been set up for you. Just waiting for you to step out, take the courage and claim your place in life. …

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Access your inner Conscious Intelligence – and change your life

Here’s my favorite place to be: when my heart beats with passion, while my brain is driven with excitement, focus and motivation. Those two together – and magic happens. Physically, I’ve been in Antwerp, Belgium again, the place where I was born and raised. In the last two weeks, the clouds have appeared, summer has switched into autumn and winter is knocking at the door. In short time the air has changed, and with this it seems everything is changing again. In the depth of my being, I always felt the city is not “my place”. I have a desire …

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