Access your inner Conscious Intelligence – and change your life

Here’s my favorite place to be: when my heart beats with passion, while my brain is driven with excitement, focus and motivation. Those two together – and magic happens. Physically, I’ve been in Antwerp, Belgium again, the place where I was born and raised. In the last two weeks, the clouds have appeared, summer has switched into autumn and winter is knocking at the door. In short time the air has changed, and with this it seems everything is changing again. In the depth of my being, I always felt the city is not “my place”. I have a desire …

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The correlation between loneliness and authenticity

For a long time I couldn’t bear to be physically alone, avoiding at all cost to feel like a human island. A desire for true connection, like food for my heart and soul. How loneliness can make this world feel like such a strange, cold place…Fortunately, new soul companions walk beside me in each part of my journey. I believe the universe guides us in such perfect ways that the ones we are meant to meet will cross our paths and accompany us. As always, in the right time and place. Sharath told me once “to love and treasure each …

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“You are my weirdest friend”

Not again… I lost my keys. Third time these last 10 days. Bike keys. Home keys. Bike keys again. Where on earth could they be? This cannot happen. Not again. And why? And how? I ALWAYS put them back in my little pocket-bag. Always. Together with all my other mess. The rupees. The volunteer card. Some name or shop cards. Coins. Phone. It’s all there. I ask the sweet Indian amma (cleaning lady). Maybe laundry machine inside pocket? Nothing. I’m late already. I wanted to be at the townhall to sign a contract for housesitting. I text Andres. 12:16 “Can’t …

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