Love will save the day

“All I know, all I know, love will save the day.” – Des’ree Nothing truly ever gets lost. At least not the things that matter. People may grow apart. And sometimes may come back to find eachother in a different time and place. True love remains in the Heart of those who want it. It’s a beautiful dance, a swing, together, apart, together again. Crossroads of connection, walking hand in hand, then sometimes travelling separately onto a new adventure. Even in a dance between lovers you may find this rhythm. Like the pulse of a heartbeat, closing and opening each …

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We are all one – and we’re in it together

“We wish to share with you all – that you are not alone, you have never been. We are in it together. And we shall lift each other up, higher and higher. We are indeed, as Ram Das said, and maybe more than ever – ‘walking each other home’.” – Canta com Amor 2020 Here we are, fragile, complicated, yet wonderful human beings, sharing this planet together. At times filled with challenges we think we’d never overcome, but worth every drop of sweat. When we struggle and “think” we lose the way, we can remember the only true way home …

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We are all one – and why being authentic matters

“We wish to share with you all – that you are not alone, you have never been. We are in it together. And we shall lift each other up, higher and higher. We are indeed, as Ram Das said, and maybe more than ever – ‘walking each other home’.” – Canta com Amor 2020 Never in my life have I witnessed something so profound and of such magnitude. A gathering of my all-time favorite musicians, medicine men and women, elders, visionaries from all continents, uniting thousands of us – the “Global Family” – to sing and pray together.No less than …

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A lesson learned from my time spent in Israel

March, 2020. Covid hits Belgium. It is day 3 after the quarantine announcement in Antwerp City. As I walk out the door, I notice, for the first time in a few decades, so many children playing outside… People simply enjoying a walk in the sunny weather. An unusual sight for a speed-driven society. When did we stop doing that?I continue my way and sit down in the park. Out of nowhere, I hear two people speaking Hebrew. Not a common thing in this area, so, reminiscing the social skills of the warm and open Israeli heart, I quickly say “shalom“. …

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On the power of oneness, community and belonging

Auroville, an international community for the world. I’m here because I’m looking for a real sense of community. I’m a tribes’ person. And maybe we all are somewhere deep within.“Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human Unity” My dream, my highest thrill. I live for the purpose of unity. A shared experience of belonging, moments of oneness. As empowering as they are, they catch us unexpectedly. When we …

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The correlation between loneliness and authenticity

For a long time I couldn’t bear to be physically alone, avoiding at all cost to feel like a human island. A desire for true connection, like food for my heart and soul. How loneliness can make this world feel like such a strange, cold place…Fortunately, new soul companions walk beside me in each part of my journey. I believe the universe guides us in such perfect ways that the ones we are meant to meet will cross our paths and accompany us. As always, in the right time and place. Sharath told me once “to love and treasure each …

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“You are my weirdest friend”

Not again… I lost my keys. Third time these last 10 days. Bike keys. Home keys. Bike keys again. Where on earth could they be? This cannot happen. Not again. And why? And how? I ALWAYS put them back in my little pocket-bag. Always. Together with all my other mess. The rupees. The volunteer card. Some name or shop cards. Coins. Phone. It’s all there. I ask the sweet Indian amma (cleaning lady). Maybe laundry machine inside pocket? Nothing. I’m late already. I wanted to be at the townhall to sign a contract for housesitting. I text Andres. 12:16 “Can’t …

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A peek into Auroville

Hi, my name is Magali and here is where I start. Auroville, a universal town in Southern India, “a place of peace, concord and harmony“.When I first read about its existence, tears filled my eyes. To discover that such a place exists, not only in my dreams… “In this place, children would be able to grow and develop integrally without losing contact with their souls; education would be given not for passing examinations or obtaining certificates and posts but to enrich existing faculties and bring forth new ones.” – the Mother, 1954 It would take a lifetime to describe what …

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