The story of a caterpillar: break through, dear one, we’ve been waiting for you

If you’ve encountered struggle or pressure… If you’ve been wanting to raise your game, then this one is for you. Could it be that the immense pressure is what pushes the caterpillar to break through, out of the cocoon and into a butterfly?Indeed, the butterfly is supposed to struggle. In fact, the butterfly’s struggle to push its way through the tiny opening of the cocoon pushes the fluid out of its body and into its wings. Without the struggle, the butterfly would never, ever fly… So goes the story of the butterfly. What is your struggle to break through? I’ve …

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Today is your day for that next step along the way

“It’s happening!”“It’s happening…” It actually took me quite some time before it happened. Before I jumped. Fear, doubt, more fear. Will I jump far enough to avoid the rocks? What lies underneath the surface of the water? But it happened. Eventually, I jumped. And all it took was a split second decision. To break through. When it comes to life and making our dreams a reality, indecisiveness and fear are such bad counsellors. Eating away our precious time, holding us back from what we truly desire the most, yet they are necessary for growth. Sometimes, when we want to go …

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The Yin – Yang principle: day and night, darkness and light

When I created this blog in April 2019, I was staying in Auroville, India. At that time I called it “”. It was the perfect name, considering I was travelling near and far and that it just sounded… really cool. Flying on his back, my dragon brought strength and magic to my journey. A rich adventure, and mostly, a story of learning to tame my own inner dragon, conquering my fears and wildly enjoying the flight. Yet I could not be at peace. My inner struggle was undeniably real and it was already taking long years to heal. Today I …

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Feed the white wolf

These days are unique in the history of our generations. Governments around the world announcing lockdowns. Quickly lots of things are changing and I can’t help but wonder… What if we’d slow down all together? Take a break? What would happen to the world, to the human spirit? This time will pass. The social distancing will end. So how do we use our time for the best? Personally, I have experienced more social proximity than ever through unity, connection, and human solidarity. I have found more peace of mind by staying home and taking the time to rest and reflect. …

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From a heart’s dream to creating your reality

Antwerp, Belgium, 5 AM on Wednesday, March 11th 2020 Birds… I can actually hear birds singing! I haven’t been awake this early in such a long time. What a bless. How much peace and quiet there is at 5 am in the morning. More deeply than ever, I understand how much pollution is affecting my life. Living in a city, on so many levels, and in the very core of my being, simply doesn’t make sense. Pollution of sounds, pollution of smells,… dozens of faces and impressions each day. One big, constant sensory overload in a “concrete jungle”. Sometimes people …

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Grandma Willow’s advice for anyone at anytime

“But, Grandmother Willow, what is my path? How am I ever going to find it?”“Your mother asked me the very same question.”“She did? What did you tell her?”“I told her to listen. All around you are spirits, child. They live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you.”“I hear the wind.”“Yes. What is it telling you?”“I don’t understand.”“Que que na-to-ra, you will understand. Listen with your heart, you will understand. Let it break upon you like a wave upon the sand. Listen with your heart, you will understand. “

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A Place where Fairies can exist…

Sometimes I feel like life is a magical experience. The wind blowing in the trees. The stars shining bright. I look at life through a lens of magic. As if I’m living my own Disney movie. With my senses so sharp, colors are lively, smells fill my curiosity and sounds pervade my whole being in an experience of totality…I see animals and I feel love and awe. And want to cuddle them all. I believe life is fully what we make of it. 100%. It is a mirror of our present state of thoughts, hearts and being. This belief means …

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The Time is Now

« But at other times, I refrain from choosing. I sit still by the water… And I miss out. This may be the only true mistake. To waste time. To be too afraid to jump in the water. Fear is holding me back, a lot. I want to give my heart the safety and desire to jump… The water may be cold… » Time is a precious thing. Maybe the most. I do not want to look back and think of having wasted my time. My grandma on my moms’ side used to have this French poem by François L’Hermite hanging in …

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Choices, choices, choices,…

In life, it matters WHAT you choose. But before that, there’s something that matters even more. In life, first of all, it matters THAT you choose. And, second, it matters HOW you choose. I wish someone told me this in school already… Let me explain. It’s very basic, really. But to me, it matters every single day. I find myself struggling with making choices. Out of fear. Out of worry. Out of… the need for perfection. What is best? What is right? What is good for my health and personal growth? What is best for this person? For this relationship? …

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2020’s consciousness shift

Who else of the sensitive souls out there has been facing darkness for a while and feels like 2020 is bringing an intense change?A stream of accelerated consciousness. A breath of fresh air. New insights. Inner growth.Grab that wave, take the river downstream and, I tell you, do not stop following the current.Do you know that sudden realization as if everything has already been planned out for you? As if the ride and all the wonderful stops have already been set up for you. Just waiting for you to step out, take the courage and claim your place in life. …

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