Remember who you are

Remember who you are. Strength. Courage. And wisdom. So close, so close. And you know it. No matter how far you “think” you were. Walking out of a battlefield. Shattered glass. Scattered ashes. But you and I both know we’re only just beginning. Things are going to change. Because you choose so. Right now. You. Choose. Unify with the One you know you are. Unify with your Higher Mind. This is where it starts. You are being assisted in every step along the way. More assistance than ever thought imaginable. Gather all the pieces of you and believe. BELIEVE in …

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Change is coming – Leo energy

I give back to the earth What was never mine to hold I step into my mission And let my truth be told Hungry as a lion Marching to its gate It’s only the beginning It was never far too late For our soul to be heard singing And start over with clean slate is the abundant way of being –No more chasing bait May we walk together now One step before the other Let us not be worn down By the times of clearing clutter Up and forward is the way Choose your path I shall thus say One …

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And if you have a broken heart… love even more

And the dreams you left behind are no more. And the dreams you think you have are not yet here. So where are you now, dear one? Left in the wake of all that crumbled. Left in the choices that you wish you had not made. Not knowing how to rise back from the ashes. Not having the strength to do so, again and again. But you are here. And you are now. And you know, better than ever, more surely than anything, that your bag is filled with faith. That this too shall pass. And that Love does not …

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Believe in yourself and your roar will be heard across valleys

Who’s your greatest inspiration ? You. That’s right. You. She knows what you’re all about. She knows your wildest dreams. She feels your greatest desires. She knows how you feel when the sun smiles and shines at you, while the wind blows through your hair. She holds your magic spark and she is ready to break open. What if… Please, bear with me. There’s more to the question. What if… there are parallel realities with different “you’s” playing around – some of them being the “you” that you wish to be? That you believe you are – but have not fully …

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Welcome to the new age of Unity Consciousness

Welcome to the new age of Unity Consciousness. Yup, it starts now. I’ll be honest with you – I’m going for a massive pattern-interrupt right now. In the last days I thought a lot about this community and wanted to share many things, but each time fear had the best of me. Showing up as my vulnerable true self is the scariest thing ever. Fear often has the best of me… I’m afraid of sharing my voice (read: terrified) and the irony is of course: this is my what I’m here for. The greater irony is: day after day, I’m …

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You got a friend in me

A story from a stranger “One night, I scrolled down my messages and saw a message from a complete stranger. Or was it? It didn’t really matter. The intention came from a true and good place. This world and all it’s mess can be quite hard sometimes. We don’t always know how to crawl our way out. No one ever taught us, right? But we learn while we wrestle through the mud. We come back, stronger and more hopeful. With more fire in our hearts. We start over, again and again. Each day. Even when nothing makes sense. Each day …

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The ladybug’s luck

I could be poor I could be rich I could feel cold Or feelin’ warm Can be all alone or feeling at home But the greatest gift of all is the Presence of my soul All the gold of the world cannot measure up to Presence worth, divinity on earth. A state of being in presence, in peace receiving the beauty of a ladybug’s kiss. As our stories unfold in Mystery’s Unknown Have you ever wondered ‘bout the ladybugs’ view? Her truth be toldin words, just a fewPerhaps today, she’ll reveal what’s true. Here’s what she’d say,so simple and bold, …

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To those dealing with dis-ease

May you soon find easeMay you uplift your faith beyond all that isbeyond understandingallowing your beingto sink in soul-seeking Breathing, just breathingone moment at a timecan you hear the birds melodies the beauty of that chime? Every day, every momentall of it will shownew ways to growTo be with what isin gratitude and humilityTo expand your realitybeyond your controlthis is the pathof the brave, deep soul Trust and faith will guide you throughanswers will comejust to soothe youFrom now to the next nowfor reasons unknowngifts hidden in the darkin time will be shown Fears are just fearspain is still painflushing …

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Meet my soulmates: Faith and Gratitude

On my left hand… Faith.On my right hand… Gratitude. And so, I march forward. These two are my indispensable soulmates. I always land back into their lap, even though there are times I completely and utterly forget about them. In blind pursuit of other things or just when I’m leaning into more flow and joy… But when it truly comes down to it, when it feels like there’s Nothing Left – I look to my left for Faith. And when I think I know Nothing anymore, I rekindle with Gratitude. They are my strongest allies, my most solid companions. In times …

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Sometimes we are reminded that things are beyond our control. These are times that ask for sweet surrender. Surrender and Trust. This poem is called Freefall. Lay in Golden-pink Light Leave All troubles Behind Lean On A Pillow of Love Softly Surrounding you with Stars shining Bright Surrender to Me to All and Beyond Fall into Nothing and All that you are Only to Feel Finally Free Freefall Releasing Revealing you’ll see You are taken care ofI am taking you by the hand Come Now Let go Come Now I’ll show Surrender and Trust For you to Come Home…

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