Beloveds, let us build this Dream.

What is it that we’re waiting for? What is this Dream, so high it’ll soar? A KINGDOM of LOVE, Oh dear darling. Come on in, don’t wait at the door. Mr. Chaplin, tell us more – Here, Mister C, The mic’s all yours: “We all want to help one another, human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness…And this world has room for everyone, and the good Earth is rich and can provide for everyone” YES!The good EARTH IS RICH and CAN PROVIDE for everyone!Abundance is everywhere, WHY BELIEVE there’s none?So what do we do?Charlie, …

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“Heaven’s got a plan for you”

And then – oh my… the Angel told me: “You are exactly where you need to be. Stop for a moment, just a second, hey, wait… What’s the rush, now, where’s your faith? Look around dear, breathe, and see, that all you need is already here. No matter the change, no matter how torn, All the next steps for You will be shown. Be still and listen, know that it’s moving. Soon oh so soon, again you’ll be groovin’! Back on the dancefloor – Oh yes be sure! Wherever you’ll go, whatever you’ll do, Don’t you worry Child, Know:Heaven’s got …

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Appreciate, create, surrender and enjoy the path

Do you ever wish for more? JOY. LOVE. HAPPINESS. To be more, to become all that you are?Clearly, the little mermaid too is struck by a desire for another world and time. Another life. “You want thingamabobs? I’ve got twenty! But who cares? No big deal I want more” Ain’t that familiar. But is the grass really greener on the other side? Chances are that – at least at some point in your life – you are dreaming to create or choose for something new, brighter, better… And I’ll tell you right away: let that natural desire be the flame …

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The time is Now… and Now… and Now

How much Time has passed me by, since I went down to sleep and never knew why? How much Time ’til I return? How much fear still needs to burn? Before I land onto this planet, safe & sound – feet rock solid – on the ground.With my wings flying free, high in the sky, just being me. My Heart knows the way, I’ll let her enjoy each single day. The Time is Now – in Presence I listen, one small step into my mission. Nothing more that I desire, than bring fulfillment and a vision,to light our hearts and …

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For the full moon

For the full moon ahead be still and let come what may that’s what they say In the next few days slow down and breathe You ARE and you HAVE all that you need Open your eyes and see how much beauty the moon in the skies birds flying high Flowers in bloom Trees greeting: “soon, you’ll pop out and see that all of it, truly, is a reflection of you, and your beauty only” Have a go at this video – it may give you more insight on the full moon in Scorpio 2021

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Welcome in the Circle of Oneness

Welcome in the Circle of Oneness. Sit in silence. Speak your Soul. Sing your song. All is welcome. Are you coming? We’re gathering around the fire. Just sitting. Sharing. Cosy and real. Nothing to do, just being you. Perhaps your heart wants to express something? In the space. To be seen. To be witnessed. We’re here. We’re listening. Entrust us with who you are in this moment. In this circle we will hold you. We’ll embrace you. Tender, full and true of heart. Because the largeness of life that you carry within, the colorful painting of all that you are, …

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To my fellow soul-travelers

Hi fellow soul-travelers! Where are we going? What’s the next step? On your, my and our journey? Some late-at-night reflections. 1. As my dear friend Terumi once pointed out: there is no next step, everything is created in this moment. So every time we wonder about the future, we can take it back to this present moment and act accordingly right here and now. (at least I think that’s what she meant) 2. Creating a plan //versus// allowing a plan to UNFOLD from this moment, out of synchronicity, flow, divine guidance.Something wants to be created through each and every one …

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A reflection on Freedom

FREEDOM. What does it taste like? How does it smell? How does it make you feel? And after you tasted the expansion of it… Ask yourself: How could you feel more of it? What is binding you or holding you back? What if we are the only ones binding ourselves?“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our own mind” (Bob Marley)What if freedom is much more easy than we could possibly imagine. What if freedom is… Right here. Right now. Attainable in every moment, in every breath, in our everyday choice making. Choice of thought, choice of …

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Speak your whole truth

Dear You Speak your whole truthWrite all of your breathWith the lungs of your lifeto dissolve your death Let the pain of a knife,deep cuts through the strifeand the tears flow downstream.With your fears faced to seaOn the rocks they’ll break free Share with meand finally you’ll seeIt is time to shift gearand come to believeAll the reasons you’re here: The hardship that leda golden pen to wed your heart full of dust –now trusting instead… to share love on this page,bring more light to this age “Yet, don’t be fooled”Says the sage… “It’s a two-edged swordAnd which one you’ll …

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