Choices, choices, choices,…

In life, it matters WHAT you choose.

But before that, there’s something that matters even more.

In life, first of all, it matters THAT you choose. And, second, it matters HOW you choose.

I wish someone told me this in school already…

Let me explain. It’s very basic, really. But to me, it matters every single day.
I find myself struggling with making choices. Out of fear. Out of worry. Out of… the need for perfection. What is best? What is right? What is good for my health and personal growth? What is best for this person? For this relationship? For my family?

What do I truly want?

Making choices gives us direction, gives us the ability to discover who we are, what we like, where we want to go, how we want to continue shaping our days, our weeks and our lives.

And then, essential to understand, why do I want it? Am I aware of my true intention? Does it come from the heart? Is it a practical mind-driven choice? Is it whispered to me through intuition? And can I stand behind my choice.

Nerve-wracking, really.

So I make “mistakes”. I choose for the wrong reasons. Few times I think “I shouldn’t have”. Then again, nothing every really is a mistake. Not if we get up and learn from them.
But, at other times, I refrain from choosing. I sit still by the water… And I miss out. This may be the only true mistake. To waste time. To be too afraid to jump in the water. Fear is holding me back, a lot. I want to give my heart the safety and desire to jump… The water may be cold…
So far, the best choices I made came through intuition and heart. From pure knowing. How I LOVE this when I KNOW and FEEL a burning YES in every cell of my being. How I love to have access to this place. Related to this, read my previous post Access your inner Conscious Intelligence – and change your life with Dr. Joe Dispenza and Abraham Hicks’ wisdom on this topic.
Still, sometimes, my mind sits in doubt and fear and is refraining from choosing. I wait by the water… Until Life chooses for me. Life is patient with me… And as I’m learning, I’m also learning to be patient with myself.

In life, it matters that we choose. That we shape our days and lives from the most truthful place within, instead of waiting for life to happen to us. Even in doubt or fear. Especially in doubt or fear.

My desire is to learn the HOW as well. Once I have chosen – how am I with this? This is easy for the choices that are made with full conviction. But for the tougher ones, when I am not full-heartedly behind them: am I able to be present with the situation, make the best of it, and even transform it into a great choice? Or am I filled with regret, desire to be somewhere else, blaming myself for this apparent “mistake”, and suffering my way through?
And I’m not even speaking yet about the long-term decisions. Studies, work, who you marry, to have a child, or any other long-term responsibility.

I don’t have a scientific matrix to calculate when, what and how to choose and probably never will. In the end, just keep walking, falling and getting back up. There is a vast space that can hold so much more than we can think of. Allow yourself to make mistakes. We are human. That’s part of the journey and that’s how we get to know ourselves. Understanding why I choose certain things, is helping me to come closer to who I am, and to trust this inner voice.

I’ll share one last thing. Having choices to make in the first place, means having options. Sometimes I’m unaware of it, but having options is one of the greatest things one can have. It means one is free.