Dream a little dream

Harbor in each day to day the treasure of hope. The delight of knowing that you can and you have everything you need to create the life you wish to lead. That you create your reality in each moment and in a blink of an eye everything can take a new direction of your own choosing. All it takes is one small moment, this moment now, to remember the magic that is in you. The love that you are. The knowing that from this point in time, anything is possible. Anything.

What makes your heart warm up? What lights up your spirit? And how do you bring more of that in your life?

What if… it’s actually not that far away, who knows, perhaps even just right around the corner?

What is one small step that you can take today towards that dream or even towards more of that feeling? Perhaps you would like to sit with that for a moment, and let the answers come to you and through you.

If you don’t know, rest assured, you are not alone. The unknown is still a wandering path for me. Sifting, sorting, selecting, discerning… Feeling my way through each day, one moment at a time… while deepening my inner knowing. While creating an inner sanctuary for my heart and soul to land in. Perhaps, that is all we truly ever need, to let LOVE guide the way while the pieces of our inner and outer world come to wholeness.

What calls you to more love now? What calls you to more light? It is in you, in how you feel right now, and in the sweetest of your dreams. Cherish those. All else will be called in while you reunite with that beauty within. Your treasure. Your home. Your loving sanctuary.

So January 2022, here we come. Are you with me?