Feed the white wolf

These days are unique in the history of our generations. Governments around the world announcing lockdowns. Quickly lots of things are changing and I can’t help but wonder… What if we’d slow down all together? Take a break? What would happen to the world, to the human spirit? This time will pass. The social distancing will end. So how do we use our time for the best?

Personally, I have experienced more social proximity than ever through unity, connection, and human solidarity. I have found more peace of mind by staying home and taking the time to rest and reflect. I believe taking struggles as an opportunity is in our best interest. There is not much choice either: swim against the stream (and get really tired), or follow the current and flow as graciously as possible with it…

To those with a desire for it – could it help us find our way back to the essence? If we choose to experience it this way – could we find more connection to ourselves and our loved ones?

A Cherokee story goes…

“There is a White Wolf and a Black Wolf. The Black Wolf inside us is filled with fear, anger, envy, jealousy, greed, and arrogance. The White Wolf is filled with peace, love, hope, courage, humility, compassion, and faith. They battle constantly”.
“Which wolf wins?”
“That’s simple… it’s the one we feed the most.”

Regardless of a pandemic or a lockdown, life is a bumpy ride full of challenges. We, human beings, go through so many trials in life. Death, loss and grief, abandonment and loneliness, despair, fears, judgment, disappointment, betrayal… Each and every one has their own battles to win, their own traumas to overcome.

Just like any hardship, this time in lockdown can give rise to lots of fears, worries and restlessness. It’s not easy, but with patience, persistence, and faith, we can grow. We can start today and choose to feed our White Wolf. The more we do and persevere, the more fights he’ll win, the stronger he’ll get.

Our White Wolf will triumph.