From a heart’s dream to creating your reality

Antwerp, Belgium, 5 AM on Wednesday, March 11th 2020

Birds… I can actually hear birds singing! I haven’t been awake this early in such a long time. What a bless. How much peace and quiet there is at 5 am in the morning. More deeply than ever, I understand how much pollution is affecting my life. Living in a city, on so many levels, and in the very core of my being, simply doesn’t make sense. Pollution of sounds, pollution of smells,… dozens of faces and impressions each day. One big, constant sensory overload in a “concrete jungle”.

Sometimes people told me: “but this is the real world and we need to learn to live in it”. Not really. Yes, it’s the world some of us grew up in. It’s the one many chose to build their lives in. But that doesn’t make it any more or less real than life in a village, a community that sets its own currency, living in a van while travelling or in a tree house forest community.

Let me get to the point. The real life: it’s what you make of it. Wherever you are.

For some, this may sound like the voice of a dreamer. But as a matter of fact, it is your dreams that create your reality. Every single thing that has ever been created, every single thing you see around you in the visible world, once originated from a simple idea. It stemmed from a thought, a picture, a dream someone had.
Look around you. A book on your shelf, a car with four wheels, traffic lights with three colors, a school building, bottled water, churches, computers, the internet, everything…! Some were great ideas, some less.
If everyone can do it, so can you and so can I. We are here to create wonderful things. We are here to create a better, sustainable, good life for all of us.

So keep dreaming, as big and as high as you can.

Go deep in your heart’s desire, ask her what she dreams of. Listen with all the gentleness of the world. Your heart knows, she has more intelligence than we grant her. You were born with a seed in your heart, a desire bigger than anything, calling out to be followed through.
Even if you can’t hear its voice yet… The more you listen to your heart, the more it will start whispering to you. Soon enough, it will burn with passion.
Get your brain aligned, partner up, and envision your dream. Visualize what makes you happy. Use the power of your mind to make the way forth, practically, intelligently. And bring this dream into reality. The world is waiting for more precious ideas to rise.

From a heart’s dream to reality: it’s a pregnancy. Like any seed in the ground, it needs to be watered. It needs love. And kindness. And time. Cherish and nourish the dream, ’til it’s ready to be born.