Love will save the day

“All I know, all I know, love will save the day.” – Des’ree

Nothing truly ever gets lost. At least not the things that matter. People may grow apart. And sometimes may come back to find eachother in a different time and place. True love remains in the Heart of those who want it. It’s a beautiful dance, a swing, together, apart, together again.
Crossroads of connection, walking hand in hand, then sometimes travelling separately onto a new adventure. Even in a dance between lovers you may find this rhythm. Like the pulse of a heartbeat, closing and opening each time. Until the precious last breath. There is love in coming together as one, yet there is also tremendous love in letting eachother go. “Not holding onto” as a state of being. Renewing one’s vows out of a sense of shared freedom.

If only one could have an overview of this beautiful web of connections. Of letting go and meeting anew. If one could measure all the love in a lifetime, what would they do?

They would say: thank you.

Thank you… I’m so grateful for the friendships I made over the past year. I’m so grateful for the old ones that sticked around or that I “found” again. I’m so grateful for the new ones that are unfolding. Grateful for YOU. It is love that matters and that I’ll remember in the end. And it is love that I will cherish in the years to come.

Count your blessings.
Dance in the love. Love in the dance.

All this time
The sun never says to the Earth,
“You owe me.”

What happens
With a Love like that
It lights the whole sky.”

– Hafiz

I’ll keep it short and sweet this time and go for my snack: baked banana on my favorite gluten free corn cracker. With philadelphia spread on the bottom and a pinch of hand harvested French ‘Fleur de sel’ on top. Yum. Recipe of Love!
Oh and, have a go at this song below… I hope you’ll love the lyrics as much as I do.