On the power of oneness, community and belonging

Auroville, an international community for the world. I’m here because I’m looking for a real sense of community. I’m a tribes’ person. And maybe we all are somewhere deep within.
“Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human Unity

My dream, my highest thrill. I live for the purpose of unity. A shared experience of belonging, moments of oneness. As empowering as they are, they catch us unexpectedly. When we are sitting around a fire, when heart-felt speech is opening a space of connection. When each one, as unique as he is, dares to be vulnerable and feels safe to be truly who he is. Silence is the backbone. Musical expression is fine-tuning us. That’s when another dimension opens up: we come together, we melt as one. That’s when we are just like a melody built up of different notes. And thanks to our particular uniqueness, together we sound like harmony.

Together, we are more than the sum of our parts.

Some places are more supportive to facilitate this shared journey of growth called life. Auroville is a wonderful example of an intentional community. A great foundation, a common mission of unity and integer values planted within sustainable goals, for each and everyone to be a contributing part of the whole.

Surely, any place is a good place to start. We created societies, originally, to join hands and create together, didn’t we? To grow towards higher goals and care for one another. Sometimes I think that, somewhere along the road, we kind of forgot. We just forgot our purpose. And we lack good quality governance to lead the way. While we stay in automatic mode, politicians and media distract us with fear-based input, and we blindly tag along.

But we are all individually responsible for where we are. Luckily, people are waking up everywhere. New places are sprouting like mushrooms all over the world. Intentional communities aiming for peaceful and conscious co-existence in harmony with nature. Re-awakening our ancestors’ simple way of life and all old native intelligence.

I believe somewhere within, we are all tribes’ people. We want to live together. We want to belong and feel unity. To create and share our essence and contribute to the bigger whole. We just need to remember. 

What makes your “tribal” feeling arise? How do you wish to share yourself for a bigger or common purpose?

If you want to taste more on this theme of unity, I hope you’ll enjoy “We are all one – why being authentic matters” and “We are all one – and we’re in it together“.