Remedy for worry: “Let go and let God”

Worrying is a very time and energy consuming activity. When we can solve the problem and take action, great. But when we can’t, and we’re just chewing our own brain, there is absolutely no point to it. Reminds me of Baz Luhrman’s words: “Don’t worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.” Right.

Then again, some worries can feel so big and persistent, and we just need to sit and wait it out. Time will reveal the answers, it always does. That’s when it’s time to “let go and let God”. Especially now, all over the world, there are some pretty strange things happening lately. Unexpected. Not part of our plans. Something bigger than us is happening and we have absolutely no control over it. The only way is to let go, and trust.

About a week ago, I had a ticket to Milan, to volunteer in Damanhur. The situation with the coronavirus worsened in that area, and my flight got cancelled. Then, talking to a friend from Auroville, I considered returning to India. Two days later, the Indian government postponed all tourist visas until 15th of April. “When you make plans, God laughs at them”, as they say. The message for me was clear: stay put. 

Trust that Life has the best for you in store. When things don’t turn out the way you thought they would, most probably it’s for the good and in your best interest, even if you cannot see it yet.

I believe there is something far greater, far bigger, more magical, unconditionally loving, beyond anything anyone can imagine. An endless light, divine wisdom, absolute truth, loving guidance. Within us, beyond us, everywhere, everything. When I don’t know the way and I feel lost, as it happens, I return to this trust. And the way will show.