Remember who you are

Remember who you are.

Strength. Courage. And wisdom. So close, so close. And you know it. No matter how far you “think” you were.

Walking out of a battlefield. Shattered glass. Scattered ashes. But you and I both know we’re only just beginning. Things are going to change. Because you choose so. Right now.

You. Choose.

Unify with the One you know you are.

Unify with your Higher Mind.

This is where it starts. You are being assisted in every step along the way. More assistance than ever thought imaginable.

Gather all the pieces of you and believe. BELIEVE in that starlight within. Look where you want to look. Choose what you want to think, believe and see. Storms may appear around you. You may not see the way. But perhaps you may enjoy the lightning while dancing in the rain.

“Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life… Remember who you are.”

[Story continues below]

Nothing is perfect, but will they ever be? Some things are horrific to be confronted with. Some pains and fears have no name in this world. Some truths are ugly when you wake up from disillusion. And yet… It’s all about perspective. You’ll choose: again and again for the bright one. Remember the white and the black wolf? You’ll march forward. You will. And you are. Choosing to feed the white wolf.

So ask yourself rather this, dear Lion: where do you come from? Brave Lioness, where do you come from?

A long way, yes. Sometimes it’s good and necessary to take a look at this. At the places you’ve been and the choices you’ve made. The things you have learned and the growth you’ve achieved. To know that nothing went to waste, you have only gained. To find gratitude and blessings on this journey. And now perhaps you have reached a stopping point, a questioning, a reflection, a crossroads,… Maybe a transition or renewal – before you make your next move.

And that is where I’ll tell you this: you will walk forth and grow stronger. You’ll continue your journey, wiser and more prepared. No matter what, it’s worth the ride. And it’s going to be more worth it.
So find peace and gratitude with the past, gather strength from it all, and engage with hope and light for the future.

And once that’s done, mix and mingle it all in this big soup of Now and All that You Are.

Who are you? You are a channel of love and light.

It’s time your Greater Voice takes over and melts within. You can do this. And you’re not alone. No, you’re not.

When you start changing the chemistry of your belief, your body reacts” (Kryon 2021 – Who Do You Think You Are)

So tell me dear, how does your story continue now? How would you like it to be told? How would you best take care of you? What has worked and what has not?

You may not know how to assemble all the pieces yet. How to create this new picture. A painting. Perhaps just take a brush. Choose one color. And dive into it. Play. Enjoy.
Maybe you’d like to ask yourself: What would Love do? What would your Best Friend say? Take your time. Take it easy. You hold all the answers within.

Be kind, be utmost kind to yourself while you navigate these changes, and always come back to believing in you. And when you forget, be with those who’ll remind you. Stick together, gather, share, be authentic, collaborate, support one another, this is why you’re here.

Yes, perhaps your inner child’s heart needs mending. Holding. Comforting… But your soul knows it’s way through. Your higher self knows all you need and will never forsake you.

So count your blessings.
Talk yourself through this.
You know how to do this. You know who you are. You so got this. Wink.

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue.” – Rainer Maria Rilke