Speak your whole truth

Dear You

Speak your whole truth
Write all of your breath
With the lungs of your life
to dissolve your death

Let the pain of a knife,
deep cuts through the strife
and the tears flow downstream.
With your fears faced to sea
On the rocks they’ll break free

Share with me
and finally you’ll see
It is time to shift gear
and come to believe
All the reasons you’re here:

The hardship that led
a golden pen to wed

your heart full of dust –
now trusting instead…

to share love on this page,
bring more light to this age

“Yet, don’t be fooled”
Says the sage…

“It’s a two-edged sword
And which one you’ll choose
Is all up to you”

So now do go forth…

and follow the thread
of golden light and let
for once and for all
all burdens be shed.

By Magali

Photo by Zoë Colombo