Tending your garden: setting your boundaries

Boundaries come in so many shapes and forms. They are not related to anyone or anything outside of you.

They only concern you.

Boundaries are those things you choose for yourself in order to create or maintain a healthy and balanced life.

They are the rock underneath your feet that allow your wings to fly. They are the garden that you tend to, each and every day.

It’s in the choices that you make, the people and activities you choose to engage in.

It’s in knowing a true yes, out of love, not out of fear.

It is knowing when no.

Boundaries are those thoughts you choose every minute, every day.

It is sometimes forging a path, in a dense forest, armed with a light to see more clearly and your sword to cut through the obstacles on the way. It is creating, discerning, choosing your way, every day.

It is committing yourself to the voice of your heart, to the language of your body, to the truth of your soul. Expressing it, honoring it.

In all matters all the time, you are excercising boundaries by committing to your highest self.

It is taking responsibility for all that is you, taking your inner child by the hand and loving him or her ’til the moon and back.

It is caring enough about the love and light that you are to prioritize your alignment with your inner source, your body’s health, your heart’s deepest wishes and taking aligned actions that are for the highest good of All.

Because we are no different. What is for your highest good is for mine too. It is for One and All.

And if you deeply know and remember that to be true, all it takes is tending your cherished garden with a lot of love and light.

What could you do today to water your plants or nurture your soil, bring in some sunshine and care for your flowers?