The correlation between loneliness and authenticity

For a long time I couldn’t bear to be physically alone, avoiding at all cost to feel like a human island. A desire for true connection, like food for my heart and soul. How loneliness can make this world feel like such a strange, cold place…
Fortunately, new soul companions walk beside me in each part of my journey. I believe the universe guides us in such perfect ways that the ones we are meant to meet will cross our paths and accompany us. As always, in the right time and place.
Sharath told me once “to love and treasure each and one of them as they come and enter my life, and wish them well when they leave.” He said: “I’ll just do that. And pray that the diamonds never leave.

Loneliness, the epidemic of this age.

Here’s an interesting observation: we can feel lonely even with company. Besides the struggle of surrounding ourselves with kindred souls, feelings of loneliness are much related to authenticity: if we don’t show ourselves or express ourselves authentically, how can one expect to feel connection? How can someone reach another in depth, if one’s ‘inside’ doesn’t reflect on the ‘outside’? For two people to truly meet, to feel connection, it means first to be true to ourselves. And showing our true nature means…

Get ready to be vulnerable

I present to you an expert on this topic: Brene Brown, expanding on vulnerability and connection in only 20 minutes of your time, so you can lean into her humorous and touching insights and leave as a different-hearted person. There’s so much I’d want to share about her talk, as her story and research are full of presents. Then again, there’s nothing better than to get the full experience on your own. Brene Brown, on “The power of vulnerability“.

Speak your truth, be true to your heart.

There’s nothing to lose, only time. That which truly belongs with you, will come and stay. And what doesn’t belong with you, will leave, will fall away. And you’ll be glad for both. Live your life in maximum authenticity – because this is where your freedom lies.

If you relate to this topic, I invite you to get yourself a cup of tea and enjoy more deeply in We are all one – and why being authentic matters.

The evening before Sharath left back to Bangalore, right before our ways split, I told him:
“Sharath, I’ll tell you something I’ve been wanting to hear from someone…: ‘You’re never alone, and I’ll always be there’…”
“What?” he answers.
“Yes, ehm, what?” I say hesitantly, as if I’m scared my secret will be revealed…
“Wait… You say you’ve been wanting to hear this from someone?”
“Magali. You’re never alone and I’ll always be there”.

We take our bikes. We start driving in the same direction, he’s coming on my right side and says: “and I mean it”.