The ladybug’s luck

I could be poor
I could be rich
I could feel cold
Or feelin’ warm
Can be all alone
or feeling at home
But the greatest gift of all
is the Presence of my soul

All the gold of the world
cannot measure up
to Presence worth,
divinity on earth.
A state of being
in presence, in peace
receiving the beauty
of a ladybug’s kiss.

As our stories unfold
in Mystery’s Unknown
Have you ever wondered
‘bout the ladybugs’ view?

Her truth be told
in words, just a few
Perhaps today,
she’ll reveal what’s true.
Here’s what she’d say,
so simple and bold,
for your light to pour through:

“To feel lucky each day,
feel in the moment –
that’s when good Fortune
is coming your way.
Each now embracing
and listening from within,
which song your soul
wants to let out and sing.”

So which song does your soul now want to let out and sing?