The Time is Now

« But at other times, I refrain from choosing. I sit still by the water… And I miss out. This may be the only true mistake. To waste time. To be too afraid to jump in the water. Fear is holding me back, a lot. I want to give my heart the safety and desire to jump… The water may be cold… »

Time is a precious thing. Maybe the most. I do not want to look back and think of having wasted my time. My grandma on my moms’ side used to have this French poem by François L’Hermite hanging in her apartment. It says it all:

«  Le temps qui, sans repos, va d’un pas si léger
Emporte avec lui toutes les belles choses
C’est pour nous avertir de le bien ménager
Et faire des bouquets dans la saison des roses. »

Two nights ago, my brother became a dad. Their new-born daughter is the sweetest, most beautiful baby girl I’ve ever seen. He told me he wants me to be very important for her. I said I’d be the coolest, wise auntie, encouraging her to make her dreams come true.

I believe I can make my Dreams come true and I want to be a living example. So what do I dream of ?

I dream of a Place where Fairies can exist…