The time is Now… and Now… and Now

How much Time
has passed me by,
since I went down to sleep
and never knew why?

How much Time
’til I return?
How much fear
still needs to burn?

Before I land
onto this planet,
safe & sound –
feet rock solid –
on the ground.
With my wings
flying free,
high in the sky,
just being me.

My Heart knows the way,
I’ll let her enjoy
each single day.

The Time is Now – in Presence I listen,
one small step into my mission.
Nothing more that I desire,
than bring fulfillment and a vision,
to light our hearts and souls on fire.

Let’s expand,
together we can.
Let’s break through,
believe it, leave
the sticky poo,
there’s nothing you can’t be
or do.

Not later, nor linear,
it is not far away.
Bring it down,
here and now,
inner peace is here to stay.

Have you set the stage for you?
A frame you like to ease into?

All falls into place in Time
The smallest things,
even this rhyme.

As for Now,
Trust your Heart,
wear your Crown,
breathe, dear,