To my fellow soul-travelers

Hi fellow soul-travelers!

Where are we going? What’s the next step? On your, my and our journey?

Some late-at-night reflections.

1. As my dear friend Terumi once pointed out: there is no next step, everything is created in this moment. So every time we wonder about the future, we can take it back to this present moment and act accordingly right here and now. (at least I think that’s what she meant)

2. Creating a plan //versus// allowing a plan to UNFOLD from this moment, out of synchronicity, flow, divine guidance.
Something wants to be created through each and every one of us. What is it? Which actions want to move through you for your and the world’s highest good? In which shape or form?

3. Divine masculine coming together with the divine feminine. I have not figured this one out yet. I am mostly resting in the feminine at this point, letting myself be swayed by the flow… One step, one moment at a time…

4. So let’s go into visualisation for a moment. Let’s say, symbolically, we would all be together physically, on this big journey out in nature, walking distances, camping out, making home together. Forget about the world for a minute. Imagine we are in community on this trip called life. New beginnings, all from scratch, in its pure basic form.

What I would LOVE to do is just to be with you, share and meet you, put up a fire (or ask a nice man to do so), cook and share delicious meals, play music and sing, play with the dogs, read and learn a lot. And I guess… take time to write and share it with you.

I’d like to feel the TRIBAL feeling – the deep connection of souls alike. Exchange our thoughts and reflect on the values we want to enhance. I’d like to co-create a new world.

What about you? What would you do on our rebirth journey?

5. Perhaps, in this here and now, I’d like to share more of my writings with you. But most of all, I’ll keep following the wave of joy and curiosity and that I’m sure will lead me exactly where I want to be.

6. Where I want to be… Are we not always ALREADY WHERE WE WANT TO BE? When I am aligned, centered and connected to my source, I have and I am all I want. Abundance is within. It is all here and now.

Each time, again and again, I am asked to dissolve the belief that I am incomplete or missing something. I am asked to release the belief that I need a plan [I do really, really want one].
So then, I come back, to that now moment of wholeness, and it doesn’t even matter that I do not know where I’ll go or what I’ll do. There are many things I do not know yet. It will all be shown in the right time. Perhaps it is time to trust and go on this adventure. Of being OK. Here and now. Enjoying the journey of creation in the now and in deep, deep trust that all that is truly meant for me will come.

Anchoring into spirit. I am already whole.

I’d like to wake up, each day, excited for the adventure, excited for the unfolding.

8. Last but not least. I’d wish to ask myself what I’d do if this day was my last. I’ve been spending so much time on my own… But the interesting thing is: if this day was my last, I would dedicate it to connection. Love, friendship, community, oneness.

How about you?

I know I’m here for something big. It’s taking me some time. I’m hiding a lot. I’m healing a lot. Sometimes, I don’t know how to heal. I can use a lot of help, love and support to move beyond my limitations, fears and troubles. Side by side, I think we’re better off. I do know that I want to break through. I want to really start my life. 3D. 5D. Beyond D. The whole everything. Fellow soul-travelers, I am grateful to share this journey with you.