To parents, teachers and visionaries of education

To parents, teachers and those involved in educational transition. For a better foundation for our children.

Traditional schools, Sudbury schools, Antroposofic schools, Nature schools, yes, even Unschooling. I enjoyed deepening my understanding of them in the last few years. All different systems in which children can unfold their potential and BLOOM like a flower.

The best system? The one where the HEART can FLOURISH.

Where discovery, curiosity and connection is at the core of it all. Where we encourage each child’s unique gifts and interests. The world is an exciting place – where each and everyone can joyfully discover themselves, their place and life. Be reassured: HAPPY children who can express their unique potential will land well on their feet.

The system is a bit shaky, yes, and the world is kind of strange right now (hasn’t it always been?). But all will be fine. We can learn from this.
Don’t worry if your child does not know how to use the genitive or how to unravel logarithms (what?). Trust and let go of the idea that they may have a knowledge gap. Children learn continuously. They naturally want to discover, understand, get their teeth into something, play the game of the world… – and win!
And at the end of the day… The winner is… The one who walks through life with love.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?
Happy.” (John Lennon)

Let us remember to make this a priority. Despite the course materials they are supposed to catch up with. Six months of learning delay? Let us rather prevent them from having an early burnout. Our generation knows this far too well. We can choose differently.
I met travelling parents who homeschool their children, spoke to parents creating their own schools. I saw children pursuing their own interests and quenching their thirst for knowledge and skills. All within a directive and supportive framework, but without structural enforcement.

Other systems are not necessarily better. And one size does not fit all. But…When the pressure to perform is at the expense of love for life, the world is upside down.

The last one is priority, it is exactly this which stimulates learning, which drives us to get the hang of something. It flows naturally within children. And then, sometimes, it disappears under a thick veil of dust, indoctrination and exhaustion…
Today there is pressure on the education system, pressure on teachers, pressure on parents and pressure on students. And haste makes waste. What does matter then?

Are they surrounded with care and love? Are they being encouraged? Is their unique individuality stimulated and are there opportunities for them to develop this potential?

If we keep on remembering that this is the essence, they will find their way. Even more, maybe we can prioritize this for all of us in the coming year: to let go of all non-essential things, and arrive to the heart of the matter. A loving, nourishing, positively stimulating environment for everyone is really all one needs as a basis to thrive.