To those dealing with dis-ease

May you soon find ease
May you uplift your faith
beyond all that is
beyond understanding
allowing your being
to sink in soul-seeking

Breathing, just breathing
one moment at a time
can you hear the birds melodies
the beauty of that chime?

Every day, every moment
all of it will show
new ways to grow
To be with what is
in gratitude and humility
To expand your reality
beyond your control
this is the path
of the brave, deep soul

Trust and faith will guide you through
answers will come
just to soothe you
From now to the next now
for reasons unknown
gifts hidden in the dark
in time will be shown

Fears are just fears
pain is still pain
flushing through You
wave after wave

But oh down that flow
on the other side awaits
something beyond
one has ever known…

A heart and soul
more alive and awakened
than ever before,
here to enjoy
forever ever more