Today the world just got a little brighter

Today the world just got a little brighter, because you woke up to it.
Today is the first day of your life, because you choose to call it so.
Because you have the power to start over again, not only today, but in each moment, any time, any day, every day.

But today is especially special, as you create the now, and the next moment that your heart has long been whispering for. What does it whisper to you now?

Dear Heart,
Bring in your color
Bring in your brightness
Bring in your love.
The world longs to be showered in it, in all of your colors.

Today the world is a new place because you Breathe yourself anew. Because you choose to dive in, into the sacred space that you hold within. A cavern of Love and Magic, your treasure and inner Haven. Treasure your inner Haven.
Today is different, because you come out to see, bringing your cup of colorful Love, pouring on the places and people you meet, putting new seeds into the ground.
And later when all turns back to dark and stars shine bright above, you’ll return to your cavern, watching the sparkles of the fire you lit. Then you’ll lay your head on the clouds of peace and remember your wholeness, your inner Home…

Knowing that tomorrow is yet another day, given to you, to start all over again, reborn into, with new eyes, new you to see and to experience…

…the very first magical day of your life.

“It’s gonna be a bright, bright, bright, sunshiny day”