We are all one – and why being authentic matters

We wish to share with you all – that you are not alone, you have never been. We are in it together. And we shall lift each other up, higher and higher. We are indeed, as Ram Das said, and maybe more than ever – ‘walking each other home’.” – Canta com Amor 2020

Never in my life have I witnessed something so profound and of such magnitude. A gathering of my all-time favorite musicians, medicine men and women, elders, visionaries from all continents, uniting thousands of us – the “Global Family” – to sing and pray together.
No less than 11 hours of sharing wisdom, music, love and dance. Lifting up our spirits while enjoying a sense of brother-and sisterhood – as one big soulfamily. Welcome to Canta com Amor 2020!

It was a game changer for me – and the ripple effect continues. An event with such power that the love skyrocketed until it was palpable for all of us. Have I ever seen so much beauty gather?

Actually. I have, many times. It reminded me of this feeling of oneness. A powerful, resourcing feeling of belonging with similar minded-and hearted souls alike. A precious experience I hold dear and whenever it slips back into my reality, I remember: this is why I’m here.

This is why I’m here.

Call it unity or oneness. Each time, these occasions have one thing in common: a safe place for each one to be. Free. Truly. Vulnerably. A place where masks fall, walls crumble and layers of dust are blown away with the humble presence of light, love and truthfulness.

I wonder sometimes: why is there fear behind being vulnerable? Why is there shame behind showing oneself and one’s true feelings?

I found Ram Dass’ words to be helpful:
I had to risk being human with other people. And realized that what we offer eachother is our truth. And our truth includes all of our stuff. And the first thing I had to do was accept my own truth. I had to allow myself to be a human being. And I think I was very helped by my spook friend Emmanuel, my disembodied friend, who, when I said to him, ‘Emmanuel what am I doing on earth?’, he said ‘You’re on earth, why don’t you try taking the curriculum? Why don’t you try being human?’

So that’s just where I’ll start. Being human.

I have a dream! I dream of people uniting and coming together as one. To gather in openheartedness with higher aspirations for the good of all. For a long time, I literally have had many dreams of living in a tribe, in community, in nature. It’s like I’m engined to feel and create social cohesion. A chip was planted in me before I came.
It just so happens that my biggest dream is at the same time my biggest nightmare. At times, I feel deeply, utterly lonely. A loneliness on a very basic human level, a desire to connect deeply and authentically with other hearts and souls.

As fragile as we can be – it is part of being human. I can go round and round this topic again, deepening it, yet each time, it comes down to the same old truth: vulnerability is a prerequisite for authentic human connection. It allows us to acknowledge our feelings and our truth to ourselves – but also lets us be SEEN by others in the totality – and fragility – of who we are. And being accepted and loved for it. Or not.

What happens if we close that door and never show our true selves?

Exactly… you get the point.

But what if we take a chance and we do?

I present to you an expert on this topic: Brene Brown, expanding on vulnerability and connection in only 20 minutes of your time, so you can lean into her humorous and touching insights and leave as a different-hearted person. There’s so much I’d want to share about her talk, as her story and research are full of presents. Then again, there’s nothing better than to get the full experience on your own. Brene Brown, on “The power of vulnerability“.

Authenticity: the most important gift we can offer ourselves. Yet there is another dimension to it: it is the most important gift we can offer to anyone else. When we allow ourselves to be who we truly are, others instinctively feel they can do the same.
Even more, when our needs for safety are met and we shine together, it lifts us far beyond our own light. It takes us to the truth of who we are as a people: ONE heart, ONE soul.
It is our uniqueness that makes this world go round. Our naked truth. But, oh… it is all the colors reflected in a diamond that create its stunning beauty.

Let us be a world where we aim for this: creating a supportive environment for meeting one another truly. Where we reveal the color of our heart and allow our true nature to be. So we can rise up together and walk eachother home.
Because there is power beyond words in unity. There is magic like no other when all the unique colors reflect in a diamond. There is healing here, for everyone involved. We are eachothers’ gifts.

Below, Canta com Amor 2020 as it was – the second part deep in the night.