We are all one – and why being authentic matters – extra

I came upon a fun Tedx Talk by JP Sears, where he advocates ‘saying yes to your weirdness’:
Think about it: If you are being yourself someone might actually find out who you really are. They might actually see you. You might actually find out who you are. People might make fun of you, they might reject you. They might actually accept you too. …
The most pervasive disease in our world today is being normal. It infects a lot of people. Being normal is caused by a fear-based mindset of self-rejection. We reject ourselves because that ensures us nobody else is going to reject us
. Nobody can kill me, if I die first.”

So what to do?

The cure for normal is your weirdness. The cure is inside of you. You don’t need to figure out how to be weird. I think the design team that makes us are way too intelligent to actually make us just normal. (The cure is…) you actually giving yourself permission to be the miracle that you are and expressing it, not hiding it.

Watch JP Sears’ talk here – you’ll have a good laugh and receive some valuable recommendations on how to embrace your weirdness.