Welcome in the Circle of Oneness

Welcome in the Circle of Oneness. Sit in silence. Speak your Soul. Sing your song. All is welcome.

Are you coming? We’re gathering around the fire. Just sitting. Sharing. Cosy and real. Nothing to do, just being you.

Perhaps your heart wants to express something? In the space. To be seen. To be witnessed.

We’re here. We’re listening. Entrust us with who you are in this moment. In this circle we will hold you. We’ll embrace you. Tender, full and true of heart. Because the largeness of life that you carry within, the colorful painting of all that you are, the depth of the ocean and the endlesness of space with the stars shining bright above you – all of it, all of you, it is me too. I am you. And you are me. And we’ll remind one another whenever one of us forgets.

So that the truth of all our hearts will pour out and raise us. So that our truth can be. Together we are seen. We remember who we are. Our melody will rise into the dark night sky. Lighter and lighter. With the fire burning brighter. Your tune, my tune. A frequency ever more high…

Embracing our oneness, our reunion. It is here we find home within and together. Soothing our lonely heart’s cry. Even the loneliest wolf needs her tribe. To see and be seen. To witness and be witnessed. To belong. To lift the veils of loneliness. At last to be one.