A peek into Auroville

Hi, my name is Magali and here is where I start. Auroville, a universal town in Southern India, “a place of peace, concord and harmony“.
When I first read about its existence, tears filled my eyes. To discover that such a place exists, not only in my dreams…

In this place, children would be able to grow and develop integrally without losing contact with their souls; education would be given not for passing examinations or obtaining certificates and posts but to enrich existing faculties and bring forth new ones.” – the Mother, 1954

It would take a lifetime to describe what Auroville is. And I have no idea how to put words on the magic that has been here. So I’ll start with a small, personal recount of this adventurous undertaking.

It’s been 8 weeks filled with laughter, joy, tears and fears. I survived a cyclone and a big snake (simultanuously). I started singing in a microphone at the music studio. I touched one of the most ancient, admirable creatures on our planet called an “elephant”. I’ve been playing tennis with some great players from all over the world. Imagine the freedom of spontaneously getting an invitation to play barefoot… Inexplicably fun, if, like me, you grew up in a rule-observant, members-only, dress-code-obliging system.

Weeks of rising temperatures have kept me thirsty for refreshment. When coconut water just wouldn’t do anymore, I woke up one night hearing the sound of pouring rain. Haleluja! I went out laughing as if I had never felt rain on my skin before.

Most of all, I was lucky. Very lucky, with wonderful surprises around the corner. Unexpected encounters. Precious connections. The sweetest people. Most of them leave. But new ones come. And each time, my heart expands with the ones I love and love me back.

We were both walking alone at the festival in Solitude Farm, and then our eyes met. Sagar, you and me knew eachother even before we exchanged words. We stared for quite a while, surprised, I think, to recognize such a familiar gaze.
I become calm in your presence, as if your spirit brings a gentle wind of Native American wisdom with you.

Natalia, you may not have known, but when I first talked to you at the Time Travellers’ Hostel (it definitely earned its name), I knew I wanted to be close to you. I’m so grateful we are. Warm and soft with big beautiful eyes, something about you makes me feel like I’m in a field of roses.

Meeting both of you changed everything. I think our connection was so strong we had a magnetic field around us attracting similar minded to meet us instantly. And so it went.
In the course of a few days, Shlomo, Bhavinie, Shiri, Amir,… all came on our path. We started strolling around together to the beach, Dharma Swasti jamming nights, driving around with our mopeds making the streets of Auroville and Kulapalayam unsafe.

Then came Ayush. At the Adishakti Theatre festival “Remembering Veenapani”, a celebration of Veenapani’s life and work. A truly remarkable event. Every evening transcended the previous one with a delicious plate of Indian theatre, music, comedy and poetry. Sweet, smart and talented Ayush, short was our time, before you headed back to Mumbai, but you definitely made me fall in love with India.

India would not be the same without the occasional Israeli encounters. When you’re slightly bored and an old Ambassador car filled with adventurous Israeli’s headed to a Ritushuddhi (an Indian Hindu ceremony for a girls’ first menstrual cycle) passes you by, indeed, you get in and go with the flow. The car broke down though, on the way to the Indian bat mitsva (as they called it), but it did not in the least make the trip less spicy.

Last but not least. Late night tea sipping at an undisclosed location, too precious to reveal. The warm welcome, the good vibes, the best home-made food and heart-and soulfelt musical improvisation. Out of it all, this will be the most memorable.
By now, we all know those late night tea invitations end up becoming another never-ending legendary night. Somehow, the fun multiplies exponentially and each time I have no choice but to put down my weapons together with my “early-in-bed-intentions”.

Talking about intentions. It’s time for my ayurvedic massage. Stay tuned for more on Auroville, universal city for the future, and on my love for communities.
Over and out.

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