Welcome to the new age of Unity Consciousness

Welcome to the new age of Unity Consciousness.

Yup, it starts now.

I’ll be honest with you – I’m going for a massive pattern-interrupt right now. In the last days I thought a lot about this community and wanted to share many things, but each time fear had the best of me.

Showing up as my vulnerable true self is the scariest thing ever. Fear often has the best of me… I’m afraid of sharing my voice (read: terrified) and the irony is of course: this is my what I’m here for. The greater irony is: day after day, I’m eagerly awaiting signs of the universe to show me more clarity on my path and my purpose – and – perhaps – it’s as simple as just being me?

Now it’s 5am in the morning. I woke up in the middle of the night, and in these quiet early morning hours, I feel it’s time for a change. Massive pattern-interrupt. Someday, we’ll gather around and laugh about those moments. How great was that?

The unbearable lightness of creating purpose

Day after day, I am eagerly hoping for signs for my purpose and direction to unfold. While I’m immensely grateful for the treasures the Universe spoils me with to remind me of the Truth Beyond and Above (wink and namaste to you Guys up there) – at the same time… I often wonder: what on earth am I doing here?

All I know is… A burst of love wants to come through me and be shared for the purpose of sharing loving expansion… with you. And you. And you!

So instead of waiting for the way or shapes or forms in which I can bring it forward, I’ll just start now by writing this story. Because amidst all of these “timeline shifts” and other “me’s” who come to inspire me, there is an inner awakening starseed in me saying: now. Now is the time.

The now.

Right now – exactly now – I’d like to write about how powerful and unique this moment is that lies in your hands and in mine and in each and every one of us.

Our life is birthed from this extraordinary potential of this moment. And all it takes… is to listen. To what you need, to what your heart says, to what your soul is whispering. No matter what.

Our lives start now – in the only moment that truly exists.

In between the lunar and solar eclipse, I start to find pieces of me again. Mr. Divine Masculine in me is wanting to lead me forward, together with the spirit Crew above, and I am happily joining the ride.

Happily, yet exhausted too.

The last few weeks I started to be more aware of how every now-moment is creating my “future”. From now I create. From now I make decisions. From now I choose. From now I bring clarity and create purpose… the food for my soul and my heart I awaited for so long.

Indeed I waited. But this too was part of the plan. Isn’t it all?

Many questions still unresolved and I leave it humbly up to the Great Mystery to help me unravel them one by one.

And well. Where was I?

When it comes down to it… all I really want to share NOW with this message is…

I wish you find your joy and peace and love in this moment and the next. I’m happy you are here. I’m happy to have people to share a story with. I’m happy I am growing, one step at a time, and how much better this world is with you in it.

We are part of a divine master plan. And the unfolding of this soul-community has been one of the backbones, something beyond words. My inner child – so frightened and lonely – is finding a safe haven to express herself.

And even though things are still taking shape behind the scenes and I trust the Universe’s plan – I know one thing and that is: I am here for unity consciousness. I am here for all of us to shine our lights… there is no better feeling in the world than all of us gathered, feeling safe and loved to reveal our spark. To join together in harmony.

A yellow and a blue and a pink and a red and a… All those sparks together make up a rainbow of love.

So dear sparks – shine, go on and shine – be you – unapologetically because that’s you at your greatest beauty. Because I believe in you. I treasure you.

And I am eager to knit some more together… weave a tapestry… see our diamond shining bright with all the colors we can possibly imagine.

May we find comfort amid the moon, the stars and the earth tonight, or between the sun and our globe, wherever we are on this earthplane. 🌕☀🌍