“You are my weirdest friend”

Not again… I lost my keys.

Third time these last 10 days. Bike keys. Home keys. Bike keys again. Where on earth could they be?

This cannot happen. Not again. And why? And how? I ALWAYS put them back in my little pocket-bag. Always. Together with all my other mess. The rupees. The volunteer card. Some name or shop cards. Coins. Phone. It’s all there.

I ask the sweet Indian amma (cleaning lady). Maybe laundry machine inside pocket?

I’m late already. I wanted to be at the townhall to sign a contract for housesitting.

I text Andres.

12:16 “Can’t find my bike keys” [emoticon, showing squeezed, desperate face almost bursting out in tears] (Meaning: I know you probably can’t help me, also ’cause you’re at work, but, somehow, HELP!)

I can’t believe it. Only last evening, Andres found my home keys on the lock of the door outside and I didn’t even know ‘til he texted me about it. And somehow my bike keys did a magical dissapearing trick today as well.

Now I’m sharing all of this because… I’m not sure yet. But bear with me.

I am telepathic. I am a channeller. I am a healer. I sense things in advance that I don’t know yet or understand, and I am learning to listen gently to the wind that talks to me and to my intuition that knows what my mind cannot predict but Always Leads Me Precisely… Right.

But to remember where I put my keys is another thing. Thank God there is someone on this planet right now called Andres who is somehow exactly the opposite (and also not). “You are my weirdest friend”, he said to me once. A friend, a support, and a partner in growth. And while he watches me walk the walk, he helps me see the humor of it all.

4 minutes later. I text him again.

12:19 “Thank God. Sweet little Indian girls found them and brought them straight to me.

I take my moped and go out. I’m too late for townhall, take a left instead, and give a ride to a sweet old Indian lady to her home. Next: my smoothie of the day. Full power vitamin C, guava, watermelon and pomegranate. That will do. The AC helps me to relax a little again as well.

And I write to him:

12:41 “Oh man… so stressful. But I find peace in knowing that everything happens just perfectly the way it’s supposed to be. So even if I lose my keys a thousand times and get through that frustrating anguish again and again… There is a reason for it, from above, and I may only discover later why.
Like yesterday, if I hadn’t left my keys on the doorlock, I might have missed out on that great talk with you. Who knows.
As for today, I may have missed out on my meeting in the townhall, but I got to meet a beautiful older Indian woman, and who knows what other chance of events may follow…”

I truly believe this.

Andres says:

13:05 That’s beautiful. I hope you keep connecting to the hidden meanings of serendipitous manifestations. Maybe away from losing stuff though [emoticon with a wink and tongue out] (meaning something like “I’m joking, and trying to make you laugh, but I’m kinda serious too”)
Thank you for sharing though [praying hands emoticon]. (Meaning either “I’m very religious”, or simply “I like to put that emoticon when I want to express gratitude”. I’ll go for the latter.)

The truth is, Andres. I am super stressed. I hold onto my knowing of serendipity, chance events, synchronicity, it’s just what makes sense. Every single thing is just perfectly right and I faithfully trust the way.
But truly, and at the same time… I just need a hug. I just need to feel comforted. To hear someone say: “hey, everything’s okay”.

Love is the best medicine and your support is helping me for this small period of time. Although I know my part in this: showing and expressing myself fully so people can actually see the inside of me… So I can let go of all the weight that I’m trying to carry by myself. That’s the place where one learns to receive again.

Come let go.
