You got a friend in me

A story from a stranger

“One night, I scrolled down my messages and saw a message from a complete stranger. Or was it? It didn’t really matter. The intention came from a true and good place. This world and all it’s mess can be quite hard sometimes. We don’t always know how to crawl our way out. No one ever taught us, right? But we learn while we wrestle through the mud. We come back, stronger and more hopeful. With more fire in our hearts. We start over, again and again. Each day. Even when nothing makes sense. Each day is new. We can surrender and trust that what makes sense finds us again. In one way or another. Maybe even better? Because there is only Light. There is only Love. And it’s within me. It’s within you. And when it all comes down to it – that spark within is the greatest treasure of all. And it will always light back up again. No matter what. And if a total stranger believes that… Then so shall I.”